District 18: Candidates Top Issues

District 18, on the northside has a primary election on February 15th. Candidates Steve Coleman, Peng Her and Anita Weier share their thoughts. Watch throughout the week for the rest of the primary races in 1, 8, 10 and 13.


What are the top three issues in the city that need to be resolved and what specifically would you propose to resolve them.
Madison has a unemployment rate of 7.5%. We need to find a way to bring more businesses to Madison. The more jobs we bring to Madison will help Madison grow. Not just jobs good paying jobs so lets be a little picky. Give employers taxes breaks if they give employees benefits and a living wage.

Second Issue: Taxes are to high we need to reduce the taxes on families.

Third Issue: Roads need to be repaired by people who know how too look at how the county does it and learn and make them safer and better for all

What are the top three issues in your district that need to be resolved and what specifically would you propose to resolve them.
First Issue: I keeping the schools in the area is very important. I would reduce some of the administration cost. Like spending $10,000.00 to remodel the office at Gompers elementary school. That $10,000.00 could have gone to get help in the classrooms, or buying supplies, buying books. There is alot of need for our children.

Second Issue: Keeping small businesses on the Northside. I think that we should have more support for the small businesses. I shop at my local businesses. We need to find a way to keep them with out taxing them out Madison.

Third Issue: Fixing the roads on the Northside like Northport drive, Johnson street, and our side streets need alot of work.


I want to serve on the Council to bring your ideas and energy to the task of finding solutions for Madison. To bring new ideas, new vision, and diversity to tackle some of the issues we face. To move us forward it is going to take experience, leadership, and a willingness to work hard. We have a lot of work a head of us but I am confident TOGETHER we can make Madison the best place to live.

What are the top three issues in the city that need to be resolved and what specifically would you propose to resolve them.
There are many issues facing Madison and my district: safe drinking water, safe neighborhoods, economic development, protecting the environment, and government accountability to ensure the City uses our tax dollars wisely to reduce borrowing and to not raise our taxes.

Safe drinking water: One of our greatest opportunities is to provide safe drinking water for our children. We live in a city surround by lakes but many of us worry about the aquifer on which we depend for clean water due to increasing demands and increasing contamination of ground water. As residents of Madison we deserve safe drinking water.

Madison’s drinking water has high level of manganese and iron which causes our clothes and shower curtains to turn orange. As a result filter had to be place on Well 29 near Hwy 30 and N. Thompson in 2008. High levels of carbon tetrachloride caused the closing of Well 3 near E. Johnson and First St in 2007.

Recently Chromium 6 has been found in our drinking water. As a member of the Water Utilities Eastside Citizen Advisory Panel I am aware of containments in our drinking water and the challenges of providing safe drinking water. I will continue using my science background, experience, and leadership to advocate the City to invest in a water delivery system that will provide safe drinking water for our children. I would make sure the Water Utilities test for all known containments not just the ones regulated by the EPA and be transparent about their findings. I would ensure that the Water Utilities continue working with Citizen Advisor Panels (CAPS) to assure the public is aware of what issues and containments the City is facing. CAPS should work in partner with Water Utilities staff to address these issues not just as an advisory role.

Economic Development: As a former business owner and current member of the City’s Economic Development Committee I know the challenges business owners face. Economic development should not be a “scattergun approach.” We need a strategic plan that insures adequate work force training is available, developing labor force information, developing an inventory of available land and buildings, and developing internal and external image campaigns. We can not continue chasing smoke stacks hoping that big company will miraculously move to Madison. We need someone with experience as a business owner and vision to have a strategic plan and work with city staff to develop internal and external image campaign to attract businesses to Madison.

Public Safety: Public safety is another issue the City faces. Simply adding more police officers is not the answer to public safety. I support community policing in which residents work as a team with the police to find solutions that will create safe neighborhoods for all residents. In addition to community policing we need to view Community Service as part of Public Safety. As I talk to police officers, they agree that Community Service is a vital part in the over all public safety strategy. Officers agree by investing in the front end (youth programs) there will be less resources spent on incarceration of young adults in the long run.

As the Execute Director for East Isthmus Neighborhoods Planning Council I have seen first hand the success of bringing residents, police officers, and community service agencies together to self identify challenges and work together on solutions that create safe neighborhoods for all residents.

What are the top three issues in your district that need to be resolved and what specifically would you propose to resolve them.
Knocking on doors neighbors tells me that safe neighborhoods, economic development and protecting the environment are the three top concerns on the Northside.

Public Safety: Safe neighborhood is about brining residents, police officers, and community service agencies together to self identify challenges and work together on solutions that create safe neighborhoods for all residents. Simply adding more police officers is not the solution.

Economic Developement: I recently talked to a friend of mine who lives on in the district. He has worked for the school district for over 10 years. In years past Union contract with the MMSD were for 2-3 years. This meant he knew he had job security for the next three years. This year, Union contracts with the MMSD are now one year contract as a result of State funding uncertainty due to the economy. Like many residents of the Northside my friend is extremely concerned about his job security after working over 10 years for the MMSD.

In addition there has been several businesses closed on the Northside. Brennen’s Market, Hancock Fabrics, Popeyes, La Finca, and Clark gas station on Packers Ave all have closed. Much of the money that could be spent on businesses on the Northside leaks out to Eastown Mall or downtown. Nothing against businesses at Eastown Mall or downtown but it is important to support current businesses in order to be able to attract new businesses to the Northside.

Protecting the Environment: My district is home to some of the most beautiful scenery and wildlife in Madison. An avid outdoor enthusiast and fisherman Peng can be seen fishing with his three children at Cherokee Park. As a former member of Community Groundworks at Troy Garden, Peng enjoys gardening in his backyard with his children. As a result of his love for the outdoors Peng will protect our lakes, wetlands and the environment so our children can enjoy them as we do today.


What are the top three issues in the city that need to be resolved and what specifically would you propose to resolve them?

1. Ensuring quality and safety of city services, including water, streets, police and fire protection while holding the line on property taxes:

Alders must pay careful attention to water quality, street safety and police and fire protection. Maintaining public safety calls for continued and enhanced community policing as well as street maintenance, traffic control measures and other pedestrian safety protections. Testing of water by the Water Utility should be frequent and reliable.

To prevent rising property taxes that especially hurt senior citizens on fixed incomes, the city must focus on such basic services and limit expenditures that are not absolutely necessary. Increased efficiency is essential, as is cooperation with the county and other municipalities to share service costs.

To make sure that such services are maintained while avoiding excessive costs. I would like to serve on the Board of Public Works.

2. A major issue is ensuring that neighborhoods get help in economic development, instead of focusing mostly on the downtown area.

Some neighborhoods, including the Northside, are facing economic challenges. City officials should try to assist these areas, for example, by concentrating on the new Tax Incremental Financing District on the Northside so that it is effective.

Also, the Common Council should make sure that neighborhoods retain input in possible developments, to make sure that they fit in with the area and don’t lead to problems.

3. Preserving and protecting the environment, including lakes and watersheds, parks and other open spaces.

It’s very important to preserve Madison’s beauty and recreational spaces as well as improving the quality of our lakes. I would like to serve on the Committee on the Environment to make sure this happens.

What are the top three issues in your district that need to be resolved and what specifically would you propose to resolve them?

1. Economic difficulties:
I would continue to work with the Northside Planning Council to assist and encourage their efforts toward economic development. Those include work toward a Kitchen Incubator that would provide a commercial kitchen for small businesses to use and helping another organization create a revolving loan fund for new and growing small businesses. I would maintain contact with businesses and business organizations in my district, as well as appointing a business representative to an advisory committee to help me evaluate city proposals and plans. I would encourage use of the Northside Tax Increment District to attract business and improve infrastructure.

I would also make sure that residents are aware of assistance available for those facing foreclosure.

2.Environmental challenges:
Potential development near the Cherokee Marsh must not harm the marsh with pollutants and runoff, and care must be taken not to build in areas where the high water table would result in flooding. I would keep up-to-date on development plans and requirements to make sure such problems do not occur. Maintaining wetlands is important in cleansing water that goes into our lakes.

3.Safe neighborhoods and property taxes:
Public safety calls for continued and enhanced community policing as well as traffic control measures and other pedestrian safety protections. Crossing Northport Drive can be dangerous. Plans are to improve Packers Avenue this year, which should ease strain on drivers and their vehicles.
I have volunteered to serve on a citizens committee that would advise police officials in the area about crime concerns.


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