Do you want monthly water bills?

It’ll probably help your finances a whole lot better than the tax bill item the Mayor is arguing with the county over, but its not in his budget. The council will get a briefing on it tomorrow, even tho its not on the weekly meeting schedule . . . yet . . .

This was sent on Friday, the council office staff Lisa Veldran has known about this for four month according to Water Utility staff, but alders just found out about it last week at the budget briefing.

Mayor and Alders:
I have attached two background documents for our meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday 9/21. The Business Case lays out the need and economic justification for the project. On page 29 you’ll find a table comparing the alternatives and detailing the payback period.

To provide some context for a discussion of affordability, the attached water bill comparison is provided. The data come from Public Service Commission documents for class AB water utilities, which are those with over 4000 customers. All data are presented on a quarterly basis, though many utilities bill more frequently. We are the only utility on the list that bills semi-annually.

We also plan to provide a 10-year financial forecast to further inform the discussion.

Thank you in advance for your interest, and I look forward to our discussion next week.

R/ Tom
Tom Heikkinen
General Manager
Madison Water Utility


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