Does Anyone Register to Lobby in the City Any More?

Or fill out expense forms? Lobbyists are required to register and fill out expense forms twice a year. Either the clerks office is terribly behind, or wow, there are a TON of violations! I only noticed because I have been getting contacted by nultiple people on multiple issues about lobbying and I was wondering why all the recent interest.In fact, in the last 24 hours I’ve had three separate conversations about this – which is sometimes the amount of conversations I have about this in months.

Last year, there were about 150 lobbyists registered, including me. I have to register because the Tenant Resource Center gets money from the city and we have to lobby from time to time. Oddly enough, Downtown Madison Inc who is clearly lobbying on the Edgewater, the budget, 100 State St, the Downtown Plan and many other issue, has filed a cessation of lobbying as of last May. Which are you more worried about when it comes to lobbying? And of course, Tenant Resource Center doesn’t spend more than $1000 every 6 months so we’re exempt but still have to file information in that regard. But I digress.

This year, this is all the shows up:

Registered Lobbyists: 2012

I suspect we have more lobbyists than that.

Additionally, it looks like no one filed their expense statements, which I doubt is true. I know people are slacking, but I don’t think 150 people are slacking. Here’s the info from their website on what needs to happen.

When must expense statements be filed?
Every principal who makes expenditures or incurs obligations in an aggregate amount exceeding $1,000 in any reporting period for the purpose of engaging in lobbying which is not exempt under Subsection (3) shall, for the remainder of that calendar year, file with the City Clerk an expense statement covering each preceding reporting period. Every registered principal who does not make expenditures or incur obligations in an aggregate amount exceeding $1,000 in any reporting period for the purpose of engaging in lobbying which is not exempt under Subsection (3) shall, file with the City Clerk an statement indicating that expenditures and obligations for the reporting period did not exceed $1,000. Such statement shall be filed on or before July 31 and January 31. The statement shall be signed under the penalty for making false statements provided in Subsection (13)(c), by the lobbyist, if so authorized by the principal, or by the principal.

One thing I noticed is that last year on Jan 3rd I got this email reminder from the clerk, but this year, one did not go out – so that also could be part of the problem.

This is a reminder that Principal’s Expense Statements for City of Madison lobbying between July 1, 2010, and December 31, 2010, are due on January 31.

The Principal’s Expense Statement form and instructions for completing the form can be found online.
Lobbyist registrations expire December 31 of each year. To register as a lobbyist for 2011, you will need to complete another lobbyist registration form.
Lobbyist forms can be filed:
·         In the City Clerk’s Office, City-County Building Room 103.
·         As an e-mail attachment sent to
·         By fax, 608-266-4666.
·         By mail, sent to City Clerk, 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd #103, Madison, WI 53703.
For more information on lobbying regulations in the City of Madison, see the Ordinance online.
Thank you!
Madison City Clerk’s Office

That didn’t happen this year as far as I can tell. In fact, even I forgot to file my forms, I’m 10 days late on my expense forms. I will fix that today. I used to have staff that took care of these details for me, and now I am doing three jobs and am so far behind its insane. But that is no excuse.

More info on what is supposed to happen, see here.

People have asked me if I plan on filing complaints and what will happen if they do. Mostly, I’m not too encouraged because complaints have not been taken seriously in the past and nothing happens to people who don’t follow the rules except maybe some media attention. The City Attorney’s Office might send a letter asking them to file and pooh-pooh the complaints and say they don’t have time to deal with it, but that’s all the do. And the ordinance under Mayor Dave was totally gutted – remember, that is why we “broke up” in the press. Additionally, its hard to file complaints when the information isn’t readily available on-line. If I have time, I’ll go down to the clerks office and try to figure out what is going on, but really, scanning and putting up links for these wouldn’t take more than a few hours of someone’s time – but I’m guessing it is not a priority.


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