Don Miller Properties to be Used as Daytime Homeless Shelter?

Still trying to get the details on this, I’ve heard a little, have a few thoughts and think the devil may be in the details (still looking for them – not attached to emails I got).

Ok, this is going to sound a little crazy coming from me, but I’m not sure this is a good idea. I’m a little more ok with after hearing a few details, but was leaning towards supporting the mayor on this issue.

First, the actual evidence/info I have:

From: “Monks, Anne”
To: “Maniaci, Bridget” , “Rummel, Marsha”
Cc: “Iheukumere, Astra”
Subject: FW: Don Miller/Warmer shelter memo

Bridget and Marsha,

FYI, the Mayor met with Steve Schooler and Susan Schmitz this morning on their request that a Don Miller building be available as a day-time warming shelter this winter. Brad Murphy prepared the attached information for the Mayor on what would be required for this use at that location. At this morning’s meeting, the Mayor said he would support a temporary lease for this purpose. My understanding is that Porchlight is gathering additional information about the possibility of leasing this location for a warming shelter this winter.

If you have any questions I might be able to help answer, let me know.


From: Murphy, Brad
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 12:46 PM
To: Soglin, Paul; Monks, Anne; Cover, Steven; Hank, George; Tucker, Matthew; VanErem, Mike; Iheukumere, Astra; Hoffman, Jeanne; Whitney, James; Fruhling, William; Martin, Al; Waidelich, Michael
Subject: Don Miller/Warmer shelter memo

Attached is a memo that addresses the main zoning and building code requirements to use the Don Miller Showrooms as a warming shelter. This memo is a summary of the requirements. Additional detail has been provided by Matt Tucker, George Hank and Mike Van Erem in the second attachment.

Brad Murphy
Planning Division Director
Dept. of Planning & Community & Economic Development
P.O. Box 2985
215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd

Sadly, the details in the attachments didn’t come through when the email was forwarded to the neighborhoods, so as soon as I get them I will share. I suspect the issues in the memos may not be worth the money for a temporary shelter.

What I heard is its a $1 Lease. That they won’t be getting any money from the city. Up to 100 people will be allowed there. And they may have to get some city committee approvals. (Those are the details I want to see!)

Anyways, here’s my issues and why I was leaning away from this idea:
1. We already pay Porchlight for this service at the Hospitality House (almost $100K). They chose a location out of downtown after pressure from downtown businesses and then the service became virtually useless because of transportation. I don’t think we should be now giving them more money to do what they should have been doing in the first place.

NOTE: My understanding is that they will not be getting any additional money to support this effort which made me feel a little better until I asked where they were getting the money from and I heard that they had some extra money laying around. EXTRA MONEY LAYING AROUND? WHAT NON-PROFIT HAS THAT?

2. I suspect whatever is in the memos will cost money and I hate to see resources spent on a temporary solution, I rather see them put towards a permanent solution. Which is what people probably all want. So, lets spend as little money as possible.

3. No public process. Has anyone talked to the neighborhood? Were other options explored? How was this location decided upon? How was Porchlight determined to be the provider here? Salvation Army is a block away, what options did they have? What about all the issues that are out there, are they now swept under the rug because this issue is resolved.

I’m not opposed to this property being used this way. I admire the advocates that helped make it happen, especially their perseverance and tenacity. I just think the solution is short sighted and ignores the larger issues we should be talking about in the long run, we wasted this opportunity to have a community dialog and long term solutions.

Yeah, that’s what Mayor Dave hated about me, I always expect us to (channeling Nan Cheney here!) “do better”. I’m not a fan of band-aids, perfer longer term solutions.


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