Don’t Click On These Facebook Links…

Facebook worm (a virus) in the wild.  Mashable has more more details, but the key part is the fake messages/links that are used to lure Facebook users in.  If you see one of these links on Facebook, do yourself a favor and don’t click it:

The messages that are being used in the link text include, “LOL This girl gets OWNED after a POLICE OFFICER reads her STATUS MESSAGE,” “This man takes a picture of himself EVERYDAY for 8 YEARS!!,” “The Prom Dress That Got This Girl Suspended From School” and “This Girl Has An Interesting Way Of Eating A Banana, Check It Out!”

So you click on the link, and you go to a page that just says Click here to continue. If you do, it’ll post a story to your feed that says you ‘like’ the link. And of course, other people will click on it.

According to Mashable, the worm doesn’t seem to be directly harmful because it’s main purpose appears to be to spread itself.  Perhaps it’s just someone proving that they can do it?  Either way, I’m pretty sure you don’t want anything to do with it.  I’m also pretty sure that we’ll see this scam again, and I’m doubtful that it will be harmless the next time around.

If you accidentally “liked” the virus page? Delete it from your news feed so no one else clicks it.

A helpful hint from Forward Lookout.


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