Dust off your green tights . . .

And prepare to do your best Robin Hood . . .

Join the fight to STOP Walker’s Reverse Robin Hood budget and tell corporations to pay their fair share!

Walker’s Reverse Robbin’ Hood budget makes the wrong choices by taking from schools, seniors, workers,
healthcare, public services, and the poor – to give corporations and his wealthy donors huge tax giveaways.

Details of Action:

Date: Wednesday, May 11th
Time: Noon sharp until 12:50 (so join us for your lunch!)
Location: meet at the King Street side of the capitol to take action on Walker’s Reverse Robbin’ Hood budget.

Characters: Reverse Robbin Hood will be there with his medieval cronies so feel free to get creative and come in costume dress up if the medieval mood strikes you. Bring friends, co-workers, neighbors, grandparents, union workers, students, and all others who want to demand People’s Rights not giveaways to corporations and the rich!

We will be popping in to visit some of Walker’s favorite banker buddies and tax dodgers. You will be given the specific details at the meet up site. This will be a 100% peaceful protest to raise awareness and stand united against corporate tax dodgers and corruption. We encourage everyone to get involved, tell a friend and spread the word.and invite your friends on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=217150261645671

Co-Sponsors: Labor/Community Network, People’s Rights Campaign, National Nurses United, Wisconsin Resists, Wisconsin Wave, Wisconsin Uncut, Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans, ASO and more!

For more information contact: LaborCommunityNetwork@gmail.com and attend our upcoming meeting (details below)

Flyer attached with this and other upcoming events!

NEXT MEETING: Join the People’s Rights Campaign!
Next meeting: Monday, May 9 at 6:30pm
Where: Madison Labor Temple (1602 S. Park Street)
Agenda: Finalize plans for the 11th action and participation in other events. Campaign updates and next steps.

The People’s Rights Campaign is a network of labor and community which fights for the rights of ALL Wisconsinites, including:
§ A just taxation system in which corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share
§ Living wage jobs
§ The right to collectively organize and bargain
§ Quality, affordable public education in the public domain
§ Quality and affordable healthcare
§ Protection of our environment
§ Access to healthy food and quality housing
§ A secure retirement
§ Strengthened human, civil and immigrant rights


If you have any questions, would like more information and want to endorse May 11th or join the People’s Rights Campaign contact me.

Pilar Schiavo
National Nurses United (NNU)

While you are there, testify on the Voter ID bill.

Subject: New Voter ID Bill: We need your presence and support in Madison on the Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dear Colleagues and Friends:

Assembly Bill 7 (AB 7) will require Wisconsin voters to provide a photo ID when casting their ballots at polling sites or mailing absentee ballots. If this Voter ID Bill is implemented as currently written people who live in Wisconsin will be disenfranchised.

Your support is needed! The Wisconsin State Assembly is scheduled to begin session at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 to debate AB 7 and its proposed changes to voter rights.

The ‘meeting’ location for Wednesday is the gallery of the Assembly Chambers, which is accessible from the 3rd floor in the West Wing of the Capitol. The Assembly ‘meeting’ is not an actual meeting where the public gives testimony. However, anyone who cares about the effects of the bill should have a large contingency of people represented in the galleries while the Assembly debates the bill. We are also asking older adults, people with disabilities, advocates, and all people who will be impacted by the Voter ID Bill to go to the Capitol on Wednesday, May 11 to try to meet personally with your legislator to indicate your position on the bill. You can do this by going to your legislator’s office or by asking the office staff to have the legislator ‘pulled’ from the floor or caucus. This is done frequently when constituents visit Madison from home districts.

This is the link to determine who your legislator is: http://legis.wisconsin.gov/w3asp/waml/waml.aspx


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