Economic Development Commission’s Timeline to “Fix” Development Process

Here’s their plan. Note what is missing. The special meetings will be from 5 – 9.

June 16* Mayor’s charge to EDC
July 21* Progress report to EDC from staff
August 18* Preliminary report to EDC
August 25** Public EDC hearing on Pre-application process
August 26** Public EDC hearing on City approval process
September 1* Initial draft report to EDC
September 30 Draft report briefing to Common Council
October 6** Final proposal package to EDC
October 19 Submit revision package to Common Council for introduction
November 9 Common Council action

* Regular EDC Mtg.
** Special EDC Mtg.

They got or are planning on getting their reports from the business community. Now, what about the neighborhoods. What outreach are they doing for that?

I also find it interesting that the committee is getting reports presented to it, not coming up with what should be in the reports and having staff draft at their direction.

Stay tuned, more to come.


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