Edgewater Discussion: To be, or Not to be?

No. Yes. No. Wait. No. Maybe? I sense some shinanigans . . . the agenda says no at this point, so I’m guessing its no, but I can’t tell for sure.

The first agenda had them not discussing the Edgewater public access management agreement.


From: Ethington, Ruth
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 10:39 AM
Subject: Amended 12/6/10 Plan Commission Agenda

One change has been made to the agenda…Item 5, access to Edgewater WILL be discussed.


BUT WAIT . . .
But then there was this . . . indicating delay . . .

From: Parks, Timothy
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 3:22 PM
To: ‘Amy Supple’; Mendoza, Mario; Maniaci, Bridget
Cc: Murphy, Brad; Waidelich, Michael; Zellhoefer, Anne; Verveer, Mike
Subject: 20664 – Edgewater Hotel Public Access Management Agreement
Importance: High


There is apparently some confusion about when this item will be heard by the Plan Commission. It is my understanding at this moment that the Mayor’s Office and Ald. Maniaci wish for this matter to be referred to a Plan Commission meeting in January, which can still be done despite the note on the amended agenda that suggests the matter will be heard. If indeed this is the direction that all involved desire, we will advise the Commission accordingly and they can refer it to the desired upcoming meeting (December 20, 2010; January 10, 24, February 7, 2011). I will be out of the office Monday, so please let Brad know when he gets back Monday morning.

I apologize for any part I played in the confusion over the scheduling of this matter.

Have a good weekend,

Planner, Planning Division


From: Mendoza, Mario
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 4:08 PM
To: Parks, Timothy; ‘Amy Supple’; Maniaci, Bridget
Cc: Murphy, Brad; Waidelich, Michael; Zellhoefer, Anne; Verveer, Mike
Subject: RE: 20664 – Edgewater Hotel Public Access Management Agreement

What?!! The Mayor’s Office has made no such request. Where are you getting that information?


After being amended, twice:

Agenda Amendment #2: This matter should be referred to an upcoming Plan Commission meeting at the request of Ald. Maniaci, 2nd District. The first amended agenda was incorrect.

I think that was done before the last email from the mayor’s office. And I don’t think they have time to amend it again . . . but I wonder what they will do . . . they shouldn’t have the discussion to follow yhe spirit, if not the letter of the law, but this is the Edgewater, so who knows?


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