Edgewater Project-Labor Agreement Still Elusive

I’ve heard back from everyone except Bruer and Maniaci and the Building Trades. See the alder responses below. Staff don’t have it, but have requested it. Alders don’t have it, but have requested it. Dunn won’t give it out. Building Trades haven’t answered. I’ve asked Steve Breitlow twice, and no response, waiting to see if Eric Cobb will respond. All the alders were nice and played along with the open records request . . . except Maniaci and Bruer. Here’s the responses.

Subeck: I don’t.


Cnare: I pitched all my Edgewater stuff. I thought we were done. Sorry ’bout that! I think I remember a draft of something but nothing final because it was a “private” affair between trades and Dunn’s company.

Verveer: I have never had a copy of the PLA. I asked Anne Zellhoefer unsuccessfully in the past to secure a copy for me.

Bidar-Sielaff: Dont have it. I do remember seeing a draft at some point.

Rummel: Don’t have

King: I don’t have it either. I honestly do not recall ever getting it either.

Resnick: Don’t have it.

Skidmore: no, i do not have a copy of the PLA. i seem to recall hearing about one, but do not have one.

Solomon: I definitely saw drafts a year ago when we were debating and I was drafting my language, but I don’t believe I ever got a final copy…

Schmidt: I don’t have it.

Rhodes-Conway: I’d love to see it myself.

Ellingson: I don’t.


Palm: Nope.

Johnson: don’t have this.
FYI for future – No response from me means I do not have this or it’s not applicable.
Any new Alder was not around at this time — likely why no response from them.

Clausius: : I just looked through my Edgewater file and I don’t have a copy.

Weier: No, I don’t have a copy, but I would like to see one.

Clear: I have not seen it.

Phair: Funny thing…I don’t have it.

Does it exist? They had a press conference about it and how great it is – its unprecedented! – the first ever in Madison – it’s one of the reasons people should vote for this project! Ok, great. So why is it a secret?

Here’s what the paper at the time said it would do:

• Deliver jobs outreach — especially to targeted populations; training; safety initiatives; and twice annual reports to the City Council during construction.

• Provide internships, apprenticeships and other assistance to employees after the hotel opens.

• Finish a management agreement on public space.

• Pursue environmentally friendly design and operations, such as recycling and storm water management.

• Promote the Mansion Hill Historic District.

Sounds like a good thing. They should be shouting it from the rooftops and be proud of it. Right? So what’s wrong?


  1. This is what Groupthink looks like…

    and when it comes to judging class Holly…you are surely not a good judge of it.  “private” document? yeah……right.  Isn’t it a requirement in the TIF Agreement..that just might suggest it actually exist and confirming that would be normal operating policy. But then again, nothing about this…ahem….great deal for the taxpayer..is “normal”…especially the lack of logic.

    Unicorns and Fairy tale time is over in Madison….alas, Money does not grow on trees nor is the sky always blue…like our former Mayor believed and was able to hoodwink his crew on the Council.  A bad deal is a bad deal is a bad deal..and this is a horrible deal.


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