Edgewater . . . the complications begin . . .

Those of us closer to the project have realized the swampy set of complicated issues that the Edgewater needs to wade through . . . and I thought they had the capability to do it, until I realized they can’t even fill out their lobbying reports right. They seem to be very, very sloppy on the details, while very slick on the public relations.

Two items of interest, Landmarks commission hasn’t gotten the info they need. And, the staff has made a list of approvals the project needs and from whom.

The first I heard of it was when I got this email from Stuart Levitan:

Given the complexity of the issue, the expectation of lengthy public comment, and the fact that the applicant failed to include the renderings the Commission explicitly requested, I intend to move referral of this matter following the public comment.

But the staff report (will link when I can) also notes:

Upon receiving the submittal packet for the August 24, 2009 Landmarks Commission meeting, staff felt that additional materials were necessary to evaluate this proposal against the criteria cited above. This preliminary list was given to the applicant on August 14th, and is attached to this note for your information and review.

1. Height/Massing studies of new tower
• Visually Related Area: show existing/proposed buildings from project in context
with all buildings within the visually related area to demonstrate the proposed
project meets section 33.19(10)(e)1-5 (Guidelines Criteria for the Mansion Hill
Local Historic District) and other applicable parts of the Landmarks Ordinance
Chapter 33.19. Provide plans that are to scale and fully dimensioned.
• A 3-D model of the proposal including the context of nearby properties may assist
in this evaluation.

2. Perspective views requested by the Landmarks Commission:
• Views down Wisconsin Avenue
• Views from Langdon
• Views from Pinckney/Gilman
• Views from Lake Mendota
• Views down staircase towards Lake Mendota

3. Alterations to Existing Buildings (both original tower and 1970’s addition)
• Proposed alterations to existing structures are referenced in section 33.19(10)(d),
which refers back to 33.19(5)(b) and (c)
• Existing conditions vs. renovations/alterations for the following:
�� Dimensioned site plans
�� Dimensioned elevations/cross sections, colored with shadow lines
�� Materials selections
• Details on two connecting bridges
• Information on the added story on the original tower
• Interface between the public staircase and the existing buildings

4. New Tower and Grand Stair / Public Terrace (plaza above 70’s addition / lakefront area
• Dimensioned elevations/cross sections, colored with shadow lines
• Materials selections
• Grading plan

5. Design Details:
• Design details for elements such as windows, doors, railings, fencing, signage,
lighting, canopies, landscaping and street furniture will need to be approved prior
to the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness.
• A larger sized set of plans, or enlargements of some elevations may help to
illustrate some of the details more clearly.

Geesh, for folks who have been working on this by last September, you’d think their submittals would have the appropriate materials needed to make a decision!

Not many projects have to go through this many approvals . . . makes a PUD on the periphery applying for IZ look like a cake walk . . .

1. Certificate of Appropriateness
• Landmarks Commission

2. Planned Unit Development Zoning
• Urban Design Commission, Plan Commission, Common Council

3. Conditional Use Permit – Capitol View Height Penetration
• Plan Commission

4. Conditional Use Permit – Waterfront Development
• Plan Commission

5. Waterfront Setback Variance
• Zoning Board of Appeals

6. Amendment of the 1965 Wisconsin Avenue Vacation Ordinance
• Plan Commission, Common Council

7. Other Approvals / Agreements
• TIF Boundary Amendment / TIF Request
• Change of Wisconsin Avenue street grade
• Subterranean Lease and/or Encroachment Agreement
• Developer Agreement (for Public Spaces / ROW)
• Management Agreement (for Public Spaces)

Althought many people have drawn sides and made up their minds already, there are alot of details to be worked out and laws to be followed . . .


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