Edgewater: This Is NOT Acceptable

As Nan Cheney would say “DO BETTER!”. Look at this cluster^%$# for the 10th of May and discussing the Edgewater. This is not acceptable, its not a solution.

From: Clear, Mark
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 9:19 AM
To: CN GROUP; MY GROUP; May, Michael; Cieslewicz, Dave; Simon, Debra; Brasser, Dean; Clark, Brad
Subject: Edgewater at BOE and Landmarks on May 10

Dear Colleagues,

I’d like to thank all of you for offering your suggestions and preferences for the scheduling dilemma on May 10. As you might expect, there is no consensus. Many of you feel strongly that we should keep the regular schedule. Others support rescheduling to another date, and still others would prefer that one or the other body refer their respective Edgewater to its next regular meeting.

Given that it’s impossible to address everyone’s concerns equally, the Mayor, City Channel and council leadership have come up with this plan for May 10:

1. No changes are planned for the Landmarks Commission meeting, which begins at 4:45. Madison City Channel will cover this meeting LIVE on the Web.
2. BOE will convene as normal at 4:30 and take up its non-Edgewater items (Live on MCC Web and TV).
3. BOE will recess after disposing of all other items until perhaps 6:30 or 7:00. (An exact time will be set at the time of recess.) MCC-TV switches to Plan Commission
4. BOE reconvenes (live on MCC-TV)

(Note that all three meetings will be available at all times on the MCC Web site.)

The idea behind step 3 is to give the public and Alders as much opportunity as possible to hear and/or participate in the public comment at both Landmarks and BOE. Likely there will still be some overlap because it’s impossible to predict how long BOE’s other items may take and how long public comment at Landmarks will take.

Please let me know if you have questions on this plan. Thank you.

Mark C.

It looks like their more concerned with being on TV than having a good public process. If no one is going to be happy, they could at least do what would be right for the public. This is absurd, and embarrassing. What awful council leadership.


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