Emergency Contraception – Anti-business!!

So, its funny what we consider anti-business and what somehow is deemed not to be anti-business. Take the recent proposal on emergency contraception. (Sorry, no link in legistar yet.) We are mandating that a sign be posted to direct customers to the competition if the pharmacy doesn’t carry over-the-counter emergency contraception. Isn’t that anti-business? And yet, here it is supported by our economic development champion Alder and a downtown business or two . . . hmmmmm . . .

So I wonder how some people are deciding when is it ok to be “anti-business” and when isn’t it ok?

And I wonder what the fiscal note on this is? Will it require us to raise taxes so the Health Department can develop brochures and that there can be enforcement? So, I also wonder, when is it ok to raise taxes for something that isn’t a “basic city service” such as garbage pick-up and street plowing and grass cutting?

Now, don’t get me wrong, this is a great idea! I signed on as a co-sponsor as did a majority of the council. This should easily pass and hopefully be strengthened . . . but meantime, I just had to ask . . . isn’t this a bit of a double standard? And go against all the recent “mandate” and “basic city services” and “no new taxes” type talking points of the moderates and conservatives on the council?

Ccould it be that they realize that sometimes it is ok for the council to go beyond “basic services” and raise taxes to do the right thing?


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