Enviros Support Parisi

It’s a Joe Parisi lovefest! Sorry other candidates, send me your stuff, I’ll post it! 🙂

Environmental Leaders Endorse
Rep. Joe Parisi for Dane County Executive

MADISON – Former Dane County Clerk and State Representative Joe Parisi (D-Madison) has earned the endorsement of local environmental leaders in his campaign for Dane County Executive. Parisi has been a long-time advocate for the preservation of our invaluable natural resources.

Environmental leaders endorsing Parisi include Former Department of Natural Resources Secretary George Meyer; Former Legislative Director for the Sierra Club – John Muir Chapter, Caryl Terryl; Former Executive Director of Clean Wisconsin, Liz Wessel; Pam Porter, formerly of the Wisconsin Audubon Society; Keith Reopelle, Katie Nekola, Anne Sayers, and Michael Vickerman, among others.

“Joe Parisi has a tremendous record of standing up for the health of our environment, and the people who live in it,” said Caryl Terrell. “He’s been on the right side of these critical issues throughout his career, and he will be a strong advocate as our next Dane County Executive.”

“These environmental leaders understand that you can be a passionate advocate for our environment while advancing initiatives that help our community to grow in a smart way,” said Parisi. “As County Executive, I would use this balanced approach to help keep our lakes clean and our citizens healthy, and find ways to create family supporting clean energy jobs that will strengthen our community’s economic development long-term.”

As State Representative, Joe was a leading voice on proposals that banned phosphorus use in fertilizers, and regulated the sale of products that contain mercury – harmful chemicals that can make their way into our drinking water and threaten the health of our families and the environment. Parisi also supported wind siting legislation that helps unleash the potential of this clean energy industry in Wisconsin. Every term in the legislature, Joe has been endorsed by the JMC Sierra Club, and has earned a 100% pro-environment rating from the Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters. He was also named a Conservation Champion by the WLCV.

The support of these environmental leaders is the latest endorsement for Parisi. Recently, Joe received the endorsement of Former Dane County Executive Rick Phelps, and the United Transportation Union, the first union endorsement of any candidate in the Dane County Executive’s race.


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