Expect Snow, Not Plowing

At least on your residential streets . . . .

by Alan Schumacher, Streets Superintendent
posted December 9, 2010 8:56 AM
We are expecting some snow to develop over the Madison area this afternoon into the evening hours. Our forecasters are calling for a little less than 2″ in the Madison area before the snow ends around midnight tonight.

Temperatures are expected to moderate a little for the immediate future which means that salt will be effective for this storm. We have already anti-iced our main arterials in anticipation of this upcoming storm.

When the snow does begin to fall, which is expected to be around 2:00 pm in the Madison area, we will depoly 30 salt routes and also 2 trucks with sand. The salt trucks will be applying salt and plowing the snow as it falls on the main arterials, main connectors, Madison Metro bus routes, and streets around the hospitals and schools.

At this time, we are not planning to plow all residential streets as a result of this storm as we are not expected to receive 3″ or more of total snow accumulation, which would trigger the plowing of the entire City. Residential streets will be sanded at the hills, intersections and curves.



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