Fair Wisconsin . . . Not Fair?

Fair Wisconsin often has progressives rolling their eyes about their endorsements that usually follow the Democratic Party endorsements. This one, has me scratching my head . . .

They endorsed Tom Farley over Brian Solomon. Brian Solomon’s record on the issues is impeccable.

* Participated in ten AIDS Rides, raising over $30,000
* Co-founding the Wisconsin AIDS Ride (ACT Ride), which has now raised over $2 million
* Volunteered and served on the AIDS Network Board of Directors
* Volunteered for the Fair Wisconsin referendum campaign
* Applied for and received TWO interviews to become the Executive Director of Fair Wisconsin
* Have served on the Madison Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) for six years, including four as the alder representative
* Formed a subcommittee to plan and hold a rally on the steps of the Capitol, at which I spoke, against the referendum to redefine marriage in Wisconsin
* Upon election, refused to sign the “stand by the Constitution” language because of its newly built in discrimination
* Have stood up for, voted for, and passionately advocated for LGBTQ issues at every single opportunity

So, can anyone explain why he didn’t even get a phone call, email or mailed questionnaire? Tom Farley’s press release on his endorsement states no such accomplishments, just that the events at the capitol means they will need strong voices and he’s honored to have their endorsement.

So, how did they make their endorsement decisions? This is pretty disappointing, but part of a pattern of strange decisions if you look at the qualifications of the people who get their endorsements through their often cryptic endorsement process.


  1. You know Brenda, I do not live in his district so am not up on all of what is what. But I *have* been disappointed with the way Solomon has apparently rubber stamped WisDOT’s incredibly destructive plans to expand Verona Rd. And given the new governor’s agenda, there will be money to carry out the plan in the near future. While nobody can do everything, his record on transportation is nothing to crow about.


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