Fer christsakes . . . (Updated)

I am not now, nor have I ever been, CATHOLIC.


This post was written by Jeff Simpson.

UPDATE: They fixed it!

fwiw . . . .

My mother attempted to raise me Lutheran (Wisconsin and Missouri synod) and I revolted when I was confirmed and they asked me to sign papers saying that I would not wear make up, or dance or play cards. I tried asking my mother why I had to sign that since she just took me to the dance and all the kids from the Lutheran school were there wearing make up, she wears make up and my grandpa and grandma play cards (euchre, pinochle, sheepshead AND they play for money.) I asked how they could all be members of the church.

I didn’t like my mom’s answer, she couldn’t answer. And, she was asking me to lie. She told me to just behave and sign the paper. I refused. I never signed it, but they sent me my envelopes so I could give them 10% of everything I made babysitting. Did my mom sign it for me? Did it not matter if I signed that paper? Did they just want my money and not care if I agreed to the things they wanted me to agree to? I don’t know. I should probably ask my mom next time I see her – but it will just be another fight/salt in the wound.

I left the church, the LUTHERAN church, because they were hypocrites. As background, my grandfather helped build his church and was an elder there for 60 or 70 years or more. My grandmother was a teacher and I think taught in Lutheran schools. My aunt and uncle taught in the Lutheran school. My uncle directed the men’s choir and played the organ. My mom now works for the church, is a Stephen’s Minister and is in the choir. I come from a family who are religious, so my choice was not very popular. Not often talked about – best to ignore these things.

Funny things I remember about religion. My mom used to say that it was really upsetting when my uncle married outside of our religion – he married a Catholic and it was a huge issue for my grandmother. They were the black sheep of the family til my mom got divorced! And my counsin who went to a Luther school got pregnant at 16.

My pastor, when I was in 6th grade always wanted to give me back rubs. I told my mom about it. We did switch churches, but I’m not sure if that was related or just another of many reasons to switch.

Later, when I was older and in college, I had a pin on my jacket that said I support gay rights. My stepdad kicked me out of the house (momentarily). My mom and I were discussing this with my aunt and I told them that I had a gay friend – they freaked out and told me that person was going to hell. I simply asked, why, I thought we were taught to love one another? Is that what God teaches, love? They stuttered and mumbled and I have no idea what they said. I left room.

Best not to discuss religion with my family. And I can’t justify all their inconsistencies. So, I never understood the church, it just seemed too crazy for me. I hope I took the good things from the teachings I learned and decided to leave the rest of the insanity behind and keep my integrity.


  1. Every group has hypocrites. I have been done in by :”progressives’ but I remain liberal. Humanity is humanity and the superiority of thinking we are any better and less hypocritical than any other group is delusional. One only has to recall the Manski fiasco of their using the system for personal gain to see that.


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