Fighting Forward: A Labor and Working Class Summit June 12-15

The Labor and Working Class Studies Project (LWCSP) and Working Class Studies Association (WCSA) are proud to announce “Fighting Forward: A Labor and Working Class Summit” to be held June 12-15. For additional information contact Patrick Barrett at 608-215-7132 – or Jacque Pokorney at 608-843-9616 –
For full details about the Summit visit
Community groups to be honored at the Awards Banquet on Friday June 14 are Occupy Madison, Solidarity Sing Along, and Overpass Light Brigade.
Authors who will be presenting at the Summit include:
Christine Walley, Exit Zero: Family and Class in Postindustrial Chicago (2013)

Janet Zandy, Unfinished Stories (2013)

Barbara Jensen, Reading Classes: On Culture and Classism in America (2012)
Michael Zweig’s 2nd edition of The Working-Class Majority (2012)
Carol Quirke, Eyes on Labor (2012)
Tim Sheard, No Place to Be Sick, his latest Lenny Moss Mystery (2012)
Sandee Gertz Umbach, The Pattern Maker’s Daughter (2012)
Current list of Co-sponsors:
9 to 5
AFSCME Local 60
AFSCME Local 171

AFSCME Local 2412
AFT Local 243
Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures

Center for Media and Democracy
Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS)
Freedom Inc.
Havens Center
Huck/Konopacki Labor Cartoons
IBEW Local 159
IBEW Local 2304
Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice

Interpreters’ Cooperative of Madison
Lakeside Printing Cooperative
Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association (MTEA)
National Nurses United (NNU)
Operation Welcome Home
People’s Mic
Peregrine Forum of Wisconsin
Progressive Magazine

Socialist Party of South Central Wisconsin
Solidarity Sing-Along
South Central Wisconsin Building Trades Council
South Central Federation of Labor

Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives
Student Labor Action Coalition (SLAC)
Take Back the Land
Teaching Assistants Association (TAA)

United Faculty and Academic Staff (UFAS), AFT Local 223
UW-Madison Community and Environmental Sociology Department

UW-Madison Gender and Women’s Studies Program
UW System Women’s Studies Consortium
Voces de la Frontera
Wisconsin Democracy Campaign
Wisconsin Labor History Society
Wisconsin Professional Police Association (WPPA)
Wisconsin University Union (WUU)
Workers Rights Center
Working Class and Poverty Class Academics
Working Class Student Union


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