Firefighters Turn their Back on the Wisconsin State Journal

Drop their subscriptions. $6,000 worth.

Madison Firefighters 311 paid for the papers and now are cancelling their subscription. Joe Conway says they aren’t boycotting, just choosing where they spend their money – they are sending a message to Lee Enterprises. They say the media (nationwide) is not informing, but trying to influence readers. They say we need the media to be more responsible and provide the facts. And besides, they mostly want it for the sports and crosswords.

They are looking for other media sources. Looking for more local news and fair editorials. Good luck with that.

Sly is looking for the Cap Times to buy the Wisconsin State Journal so that there would be locally owned paper.

Listen to Sly’s interview with Joe Conway here.

Thanks firefighters. I hope your message gets through (I’m doubtful). I cancelled my home subscription 8 or 9 years ago and Tenant Resource Center’s subscription 7 or 8 years ago for much the same reason. The facts, especially on the editorial pages, were irrelevant and while they had a good reporter or two left, they don’t really get to report the news like they used to. Yes, the paper should have more value than the crossword puzzle.


  1. I hope Lee Enterprise will reevaluate their business model and put editors in charge that are actually capable of writing for, and on behalf of, the diverse and informed readership of Madison.


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