What? I picked this up from the Alliance for Animals . . . and thought I should share!
Geese Gassing Planned in Madison
City of Madison Plans on Gassing Geese – Like all animals, geese do poop – humans don’t like to step in it. We get that. There are many, many alternatives to rounding them up and gassing the geese to death simply for being geese. This is always done before mid-July when the geese are molting and can’t fly. They are most vulnerable. The Alliance for Animals met with Eric Knepp, head of Madison Parks, for two hours discussing these many alternatives to gassing the geese. A few of these options include a “Tow and Collect” machine that we offered to help pay for, a spray for grass that discourages geese from hanging out in the area it is sprayed, and relocating the geese. We told him we would help the parks department every step of the way. He said he would discuss this with his team and think about these other options. After speaking to him again he said it is very likely that in certain areas they will still go ahead and do the “round up”, as it is called. Having the geese killed costs the parks department $4,700 and is done by APHIS. Please Let Eric Knepp know how you feel. The specific areas he mentioned are: Vilas beach, Vilas Park, Olin-Turville Park, along Winger Creek, and Yahara Hills Golf Course. If you live in Madison, please call your alders and tell them that you are aware that the city parks department is planning this. You can also ask them what they feel about the issue and that you are against it.
Eric Knepp is the ultimate decision maker. If you would like to send these postcards to Eric Knepp (or your alder), here are links to the Front and Back of a postcard you can have printed and send out or stop by the Alliance for Animals Farmers’ Market table on one of the next two Saturdays and we will give you some.
Eric Knepp: City of Madison Parks Division
City-County Building, Room 104
210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Madison, WI 53703These are the Board of Park Commissioners and their email addresses who may have some influence on Eric Knepp:
Emily R. Gnam – emily.gnam@cunamutual.com
Madelyn D. Leopold – madelyn.leopold@gmail.com
Maurice S. Cheeks – district10@cityofmadison.com
Moira Harrington – moira@aqua.wisc.edu
Nancy T. Ragland – nanragland@att.net
Samba Baldeh – district17@cityofmadison.comIf you are able to help the Alliance continue to stand up for all animals in Wisconsin, please donate. Thanks for standing up for animals!