Get Involved to Take Back The Land!

Join those crazy radicals who have the audacity to believe that Housing is a Human Right! Events this weekend and next week!

Take Back the Land – Madison is building our base of support!
Please try to make it out to the following events:

Sunday, 5/16 FORWARD: Finding Our Roles, White Anti-Racist Dialogues
Monthly Dialogues on Racial Justice Movement Work – Discussion Focused on Role of White Allies & Open to People of all Races
This month our discussion is about Take Back the Land, featuring Max Rameau from the National Take Back the Land Movement
3:30-5:30pm at the Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St.

Monday, 5/17 Rally & Action!
Meet at 2:30pm at Aldo Leopold Park, off Greenway Cross & Traceway Dr.
With Max Rameau from the National Take Back the Land Movement

Monday, 5/17 Max Rameau speaks on Land, Housing, Power, and the National Take Back the Land Movement
6:30-8:00pm at Bayview Community Center, 601 Bayview

Friday 5/21 Meeting for all interested Supporters of the Take Back the Land Movement
10:30am – 12:30pm at Neighborhood House, 29 S. Mills St.

5/17 Max Rameau Public Speaking Event Description:

After banks get billions in bailout money and families suffer from the housing crisis, thousands of foreclosures and new condos sit vacant. What are communities doing about it?

Take Back the Land – Madison invites you to the Take Back the Land Movement: a presentation by Max Rameau. The event includes a presentation by Take Back the Land – Madison followed by a presentation by Max Rameau of Take Back the Land. The event is scheduled for Monday, May 17, 2010 at Bayview Community Center, 601 Bayview 6:30-8:00pm.

The TBtL is a network of organizations devoted to community control of land and elevating housing to the level of a human right. In pursuit of these objectives, TBtL is coordinating a May 2010 Month of Action in which organizations “liberate” vacant government owned and foreclosed homes and move families into them or defend families from eviction in the first place. Successful actions have already taken place in Portland, OR, Toledo, OH, and Madison, WI (see for details) and more are planned in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Chicago, and Washington, DC. TBtL is supports Take Back the Land – Madison.

Max Rameau is a part of the Take Back the Land Movement, whose work has been featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, USA Today, CNN, ABC News, Democracy NOW! and the latest Michael Moore movie, Capitalism: A Love Story. He will also be available to talk about and sign his book Take Back the Land: Land, Gentrification and the Umoja Village Shantytown.


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