Getting Involved in Transportation Planning

How would you like to participate in deciding which roads, bike paths and other transportation projects are recommended for funding by the Madison Metropolitan Planning Organization?

FROM: Robert McDonald, Transportation Planning Manager
RE: Draft MPO Public Participation Plan
DATE: July 20, 2007

The Madison Area Transportation Planning Board, the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Madison Urban Area, is updating its Public Participation Plan and would like your input on the best ways for the MPO to inform you about transportation planning activities and to include you in the transportation planning process.

Attached for your review and comment is a copy of the draft Public Participation Plan, which describes the public involvement procedures for development of the annual Transportation Improvement Program, future updates of the Regional Transportation Plan, and other MPO-sponsored studies. The draft plan is also available on the MPO’s Web site at

The draft plan revises the existing plan adopted in 2004 to incorporate expanded public participation provisions in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), the current legislation authorizing Federal surface transportation programs. Federal regulations require MPOs to publish and use public participation plans, and to allow 45 days for written public comment before the plan is adopted.

The following meetings have been scheduled by the Madison Area MPO staff to provide an opportunity for you to discuss your ideas with staff and provide comment on the draft plan:

Informal Information Meeting
Wed, August 15 at 5:00 Room LL110 Madison Municipal Building (215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.)
Wed., September 5 at 5:00 p.m. Room 300 Madison Municipal Building (215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.)

You may also submit comments by phone, fax, or in writing to the address noted below, or via e-mail at We would appreciate receiving them by Tuesday, September 4. Staff is also available to meet with interested persons to discuss the plan and take oral comments at the MPO offices. If you have any questions or would like to meet with staff, please contact the MPO office at 266-4663.

It is anticipated that the MPO Board will take action on the draft Public Participation Plan at either its September or October meeting, depending upon comments received at the public hearing.

Thank you for your interest.


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