Guide to City Budget

What amendments will the council discuss, what does the Mayor think of those amendments and their hopes and dreams to finish the budget in one night . . . tonight! Here’s the agenda for tonight and tomorrow night.

Here’s the budget the Mayor proposed, the amendments Board of Estimates considered and passed. And here are the amendments that the council will be considering.

1 – Community Development Division – Neighborhood Centers by Alder McKinney & Alder Baldeh, 500,000
2 – Economic Development Division – Public Market (Future Funding Requirements) by Alder Palm, Alder Verveer, Alder Rummel
3 – Economic Development Division – Public Market (Remove 2017 Funding & Matching Requirements) by Alder Eskrich, Alder Ahrens, Alder Bidar-Sielaff, Alder Clear, Alder Phair (1,200,000)
4 – Economic Development Division – Public Market (Remove from CIP) by Alder Eskrich, Alder Bidar-Sielaff, Alder Phair (1,200,000)
5 – Engineering-Facilities Management – MMB Renovation by Alder Clear, Alder Phair, Alder Eskrich, (23,000,000)
6 – Engineering-Major Streets – John Wall Drive/Graaskamp Road by Mayor Soglin, Alder Baldeh 2,255,000 (other funds, not city tax dollars)
7 – Engineering-Major Streets – Rural to Urban Streets by Alder Clear, Alder Gruber 350,000 (other funds, not city tax dollars)
8 – Engineering-Major Streets – Pavement Management by Mayor Soglin, Alder Ahrens 250,000 (other funds, not city tax dollars)
9 – Fire Department – Fire Station #14 by Alder DeMarb, Alder Eskrich, Alder Hall, Alder Palm, Alder Gruber (5,050,000)
10 – Information Technology Case Management System by Alder Kemble, Alder Eskrich 80,000
11 – Library Relocate Pinney Neighborhood Library by Alder Ahrens, Alder DeMarb 0
12 – Multiple Eliminate all projects funded by TID 32 by Alder Eskrich, Alder Bidar-Sielaff, Alder Ahrens (7,077,450)
13 – Parking Utility – Capitol East District Parking Structure Mayor Soglin, Alder Rummel, Alder Zellers 3,000,000 (other funds, not city tax dollars)
14 – Parks Division Ice Rink Debt Refinancing – Alder Clear, Alder Palm, Alder Zellers, Alder Hall 1,075,240
15 – Planning Division Funding for Oscar Mayer Subarea Plan by Alder Palm, Alder Kemble 100,000
16 – Police Department Police Body Cameras by Alder Eskrich, Alder Carter, Alder Wood, Alder DeMarb, Alder Bidar-Sielaff, Alder Ahrens (75,000)
17 – Sewer Utility – Citywide Pumping Stations- Emergency Power Stationary Generators by Alder Skidmore, Alder Carter, Alder Palm 400,000 (other funds, not city tax dollars)
18 – Stormwater Utility – Citywide Flood Mitigation Program by Alder McKinney, Alder Carter, 1,275,000 (other funds, not city tax dollars)
19 – Traffic Engineering Traffic Signal Installation by Alder Clear, Alder Skidmore, 11,763 (city tax dollars) 33,737 (other funds, not city tax dollars)
20 – Traffic Engineering Public Safety Radio System by Mayor Soglin, Alder Skidmore 5,200,000

To see additional language on these, look here.

Here’s the budget the Mayor proposed, the amendments Board of Estimates considered and passed. And here are the amendments that the council will be considering.

1 – Attorney – Remove Funding for the MUNICODE Upgrade by Alder Cheeks, Alder Phair (25,000)
2 – CDA Redevelopment – Correction to Debt Service by Mayor Soglin, Alder Verveer 0
3 – Common Council – Funding for Alder Constituent Outreach by Alder Palm, Alder Verveer, Alder McKinney 35,000
4 – Community Development Division – Increase funding for 15 Point Plan to restore funding for the Emerging Opportunities Program by Alder Bidar-Sielaff, Alder Phair 150,000
5 – Community Development Division – Eliminate reference to Henry Street Men’s Dorm Alder Phair, Alder Cheeks 0
6 – Community Development Division – Restorative Justice Program by Alder Bidar-Sielaff, Alder Eskrich, Alder Wood, Alder Hall, Alder Zellers, Alder Phair, Alder Rummel 122,500
7 – Community Development Division – Appropriate funds for the Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Program by Alder Palm, Alder Kemble 750,000 (other funds, not city tax dollars)
8 – Community Development Division – Designate Urban League Greater Madison as Construction Employment Initiative Vendor by Mayor Soglin, Alder Verveer 0
9 – Community Development Division – Homeless Street Teams by Alder Eskrich, Alder Phair 0
10 – Community Development Division – Allocation of Funding for 15-Point Focused Interruption Plan by Alder Phair, Alder Cheeks, Alder Palm, Alder Bidar-Sielaff, Alder Clear, Alder Gruber, Alder
Hall, Alder Rummel 0
11 – Direct Appropriations – Reduce funding for the HR & Diverse Hiring Strategies Study by Alder Cheeks, Alder Eskrich, Alder Clear, Alder Bidar-Sielaff, Alder Rummel, Alder Hall (90,000)
12 – Finance – Eliminate Funding for Employee Benefit Review by Alder Eskrich, Alder Phair, Alder Clear (50,000)
13 – Mayor – Transfer Position to Oversee the Alcohol Licensing Process by Alder Eskrich, Alder Bidar-Sielaff, Alder Ahrens (50,000)
14 – Mayor – Eliminate funding for Deputy Mayor Reclassifications by Alder Clear, Alder Eskrich, Alder Hall (30,000)
15 – Metro – Examine the Feasibility of Increasing the Number of Allowable Bus Wraps by Alder Phair, Alder Cheeks, Alder Clear, Alder Hall 0
16 – Multiple – 1% Pay Increase for General Municipal Workers by Mayor Soglin, Alder Verveer 446,233 taxes, 143,073 (other funds)
17 – Parking – Parking Utility Information Clerk by Alder Zellers, Alder Kemble 21,000 (other funds, not city tax dollars)
18 – Parks – Add 1 FTE Park Ranger Leadworker by Alder Rummel, Alder Cheeks, Alder Clear 39,788
19 – Police – Police Detective Sergeant Promotion by Alder Eskrich, Alder DeMarb 4,450
20 – Public Health – Public Health Reduction of Med Drop Disposal Charge by Mayor Soglin, Alder Verveer (25,000)
21 – Public Health – Health and Wellness Events by Alder Phair, Alder Eskrich, Mayor Soglin 7,000
22 – Water – Double-fill Deputy Chief Administrative Officer by Alder Carter, Alder Ahrens 98,972 (other funds, not city tax dollars)

To see additional language on these amendments, look here.


From: Soglin, Paul
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2016 12:52 PM
To: MY GROUP; All Alders; Dept Division Heads
Subject: Corrected list of position on Budget Amendments

The attached document was developed in response to questions I am getting regarding my position on various amendments to the 2017 City of Madison Budget. Answers are ‘yes,’ ‘no,’ and ‘maybe.’

‘Maybe’ means my view on the matter is influenced by how the entire adopted budget is finalized.

In anticipation of questions, let me say that if the wrong combination of amendments are passed, I will veto this budget.

Let me add that the size of the amendment will not always be the determining factor. Some amendments are relatively small but I see their adoption as severely hampering city government in 2017. Other amendments represent a profound change in city policy and need a considerable deliberative process, never having been evaluated by the public or city committees. These amendments will not get the proper input and deliberation in the closing hours of a process that spanned six months with opportunities to raise the issues by resolution, at any time this year, to send the matter to committees for deliberation, to send the matter to city staff for review, and even to introduce at the Board of Estimates last month.

Operating Budget list:
1. Maybe
2. Yes
3. Maybe
4. No
5. No
6. Maybe
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. No
10. Maybe
11. No
12. No
3. No
14. No
15. Maybe
16. Yes
17. Yes
18. Maybe
19. No
20. Yes
21. Yes
22. Yes

Capital Budget:
1. No
2. Yes
3. No
4. No
5. No
6. Yes
7. No
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. No
11. Yes
12. No
13. Yes
14. No
15. Maybe
16. No
17. Maybe
18. No.
19. Maybe
20. Yes


From: “Verveer, Michael”
Date: November 13, 2016 at 7:58:26 PM CST
To: All Alders
Cc: Dept Division Heads , MY GROUP
Subject: Budget Meeting Information

Dear Colleagues,

We wanted to convey some information in preparation for our annual budget deliberations on Monday evening. As you know, we are meeting in Exhibition Hall B on Level 1 (lower level) of Monona Terrace at 5:30 p.m. Attached is a diagram of the room for tomorrow night. We have ordered light food and beverage refreshments from Monona Catering to sustain us. Please see Lisa’s email of Friday for the specifics.

It is our hope that, if at all possible, we will complete our work in one evening. In many prior years, including last year, the entire budget was adopted in one evening. Moreover, two colleagues, Larry and Rebecca, are scheduled to depart on international trips on Tuesday and unable to participate in a second night of deliberations. As a courtesy to Larry and Rebecca, we would appreciate it if all of us plan ahead for a long evening of efficient work.

Public Testimony
Please note that early public comment will be welcome at the beginning of the public hearings. As you know, early public comment is provided for persons who have reasons to leave the Council meeting early due to health, transportation scheduling issues, or child care needs. The Council can pose questions to early speakers. Each registrant will have up to 5 minutes total on the Capital Budget and 5 minutes total on the Operating Budget. Each public hearing will be closed prior to consideration of budget amendments.

Alder Speaking Rules
Following Q&A of speakers, we will consider amendments. As per our rules, Alders may speak on an issue two times for a maximum of 10 minutes each time. Each speaking time will start the clock, which the city clerk staff will use. If one speaks for 2 minutes the first time, the remaining 8 minutes are not carried over. The 10-minute clock starts again on the second instance of speaking.

Move Your Own Amendments
With regard to amendments we would like the lead sponsor to move amendments; a co-sponsor may second or one of us will. If you want Council Leadership to do it, please let us know.

Clarification Techniques
The chair will reinforce “sections” of the process, announcing time to start and end questions of speakers, questions of City staff, and the start of debate. The chair will also read the item being voted on, in case we have amendments to amendments, to be sure we are all voting on the same thing. It can get confusing, and this repeat should help us avoid “do overs.”

Amendments From the Floor
If you are contemplating offering amendments from the floor, please have them typed up and provide 30 copies. While this may not be possible for everything that arises, or you may never offer your amendment, it’s far easier to understand and then discuss amendments with something in front of us. It is also useful for the chair and clerk to be able to read and record them.

We will check in for breaks when speaker testimony and questions have ended, or at 9:30 p.m., whichever comes first. We hope that we can all agree to limit breaks to 10 minutes each.

Finance Department Updates
Dave Schmiedicke and Finance Department staff will be able provide regular or requested updates on where we are in terms of the levy and any ceilings.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. See you tomorrow evening.

Marsha and Mike


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