Heidt Endorsed by AFSCME PEOPLE in District 48 Assembly Race

Nice get. Note to other candidates, you can send your press releases to us too. We’d post them, but only if you send them.

Madison, WI. Andy Heidt, Candidate for Wisconsin Assembly District 48, is honored to accept the endorsement of AFSCME PEOPLE, the largest union representing public employees. “Public employees are the backbone of our quality of life in Wisconsin. We are stationed on the front line of services desperately needed by Wisconsin families in crisis, keep the public safe, and protect taxpayers from waste in government programs.” Heidt added, “I am gratified and very proud to be supported by AFSCME PEOPLE.

Kevin Gundlach, the 2nd CD AFSCME PEOPLE chairperson and fellow union president said “AFSCME members are proud and excited to support a fellow public employee and union president in his efforts to provide the people of Wisconsin with strong, progressive leadership. Andy will bring incredible energy, incomparable knowledge of the issues, and innovative ideas to the Capitol. He will work tirelessly to ensure that we not only regain the majority in both houses, but that we keep it. In this time when public employees are losing their rights to collectively bargain, Andy will do what it takes to fight for their restoration.”

Heidt, the president and founder of AFSCME 1871 Dane County Professionals, supports restoring collective bargaining rights to municipal employees, preserving said rights for trade/labor unions, will actively pursue a single payer Vermont style health care plan, a state bank to fund capital projects for municipalities, support small farms and to provide early stage funding to fledgling businesses. Heidt also proposes a mining moratorium, and has drafted a comprehensive school funding plan titled “Keeping the promise”. To learn additional information on these issues and the campaign check out Heidt’s website at www.andyforassembly.com.

Rachel Friedman a member or AFSCME Local 2436 and district resident says, “Now more than ever District 48 deserves a representative who knows how to do more than just ‘fight’. Heidt is uniquely qualified to hit the ground running and will endeavor to enact positive changes immediately.”


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