Help Take A Bite Out of Homelessness!

You know it! The chef’s are back and ready to rumble!!!! Kitchen Stadium will be in the ballroom at the Brink Lounge (701 E Washington) tonight 5 – 7. 100% of the funds will go to PREVENT homelessness for families and individuals (unless you want to designate funds for TRC operations). Suggested donation $25, but everyone welcome, donate as you can.

Please thank our sponsors!
M Adams ◦ Russell Ainsworth ◦ Mary Anglim ◦ Christy Bachmann ◦ Allen Barkoff ◦ Carousel Bayrd & Tim Sobota ◦ Susanna Camic ◦ Dave Carrig ◦ Peter & Carol Carstensen ◦ Yogesh Chawla, Jodi Vander Molen & Marigold JV Chawla ◦ Joe & Marlene Clausius ◦ Connie Deer ◦ Pat DiBiase & Allen Ruff ◦ Michael Donnelly ◦ Delia Gallo ◦ Sheila Guilfoyle ◦ Z! Haukeness ◦ Andy Heidt ◦ Tom & Lynn Hirsch ◦ Sharyl Kato ◦ Lori & Michael Kief ◦ Greta Kuphal & Larry Dooley ◦ Michael Lisa & Corey Jacob ◦ Stuart Levitan ◦ Madison Hours Cooperative ◦ Lydia Mauer ◦ Jennie Mauer ◦ Leslie McAllister ◦ Megin & Scott McDonell ◦ Rudy Moore ◦ Marianne Morton ◦ Dan O’Callaghan ◦ Marj & Don Passman ◦ Jacque Pokorney ◦ Rick & Sara Richards ◦ Kyle Richmond ◦ Juscha Robinson & Steve Herrick ◦ Vicky Selkowe ◦ Arlene Silveira ◦ Chuck Smalley & Connie Palmer Smalley ◦ Today Not Tomorrow ◦ Moira Urich ◦ Heidi Wegleitner & PT Bjerke ◦ Amy Westra ◦ Bill White ◦ Dace Zeps & Tim Dean ◦ Bert Zipperer & Laurie Frank

Our chef’s this year are
Beth Zeier vs Heidi Konkel
Sara and Michelle Richards vs Kyle Richmond
Joanne Brown vs Cecillia Gillhouse
Roberto Yanez vs. Michael Jacob
Michael Quito and Kate Golden vs Brian Solomon

Here’s more details:
1. Funds will go 100% to help PREVENT homelessness, unless you indicate you want money to go to the TRC operations funds. We help provide assistance towards rent that helps prevent eviction for families and individuals.

2. If you choose operating funds the money raised will go to help keep our core services strong and help guarantee that we can maintain this level of service into the future, despite decreased or flat support from funders. We need to be here when someone need repairs done or are getting evicted or need to break their lease, or are homeless, so we can answer their questions! And it is more important than ever with SB107 and SB466 confusing landlords and tenants about what laws are not in effect locally (not all of tenants’ rights went away, just a handful!) and now statewide. It’s even more difficult with this incredibly difficult rental market with so few vacancies that landlords can be very particular about who they rent to, leaving out the most vulnerable.

3. This year, there will again be a be a people’s choice award in addition to the set of judges that judge the entries on presentation, use of the ingredient and TASTE!

You can donate by
a) Writing a check to Tenant Resource Center 1202 Williamson St Suite 102; or
b) Donate on-line here through paypal; or
c) Donate on-line through Community Shares of Wisconsin; or
d) Become a sustaining member (donate $5 or $10 or more dollars a month through your checking account) and you will be automatically signed up to be a sponsor of our two events every years. More on sustainers, here; and finally,
e) TimeBank dollars are welcome as well!

Any questions, feel free to ask. We appreciate the many people who have supported us over the years and look forward to another successful event with your help! I hope you an come and help us keep helping!


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