Help the City Save $8M

No, not this year’s TIF for the Edgewater, but another neighborhood issue, this one on the far west side.

Save $8 Million AND Save STEVE’S on Mineral Point Road!

The City of Madison has given STEVE’S notice!

On April 11, 2011, the City of Madison informed STEVE’S Wine-Beer-Spirits on Mineral Point Road, that the proposed redevelopment at the corner of Mineral Point Road and Junction Road is moving forward and our store will be torn down. The plan involves an overpass, a “jug handle” and a bike bridge. What it does not involve, is a home for our small, local business! STEVE’S has been told to vacate by February 2010.

STEVE’S is being forced to move in less than 10 months!

Do we need this development?

The proposed intersection project is set to cost $18 million dollars – half will be federally funded and half locally funded. Dane County will pay for one million of the ‘local’ 9 million dollars with the taxpayers of the City of Madison being on the hook for the remaining 8 million dollars!

Given the 27 million dollar budget shortfall the the City is currently facing, a less expensive option should be explored.

The busiest intersection in the City, Hwy 151 and Hwy 51, is able to operate efficiently with additional turn lanes. There is no overpass! There is no jug handle! Currently Pleasant View Road (west of Junction Road) is being reworked and extended into Hwy M, with the intent of taking pressure off of the Hwy M (Junction Road) artery. Wouldn’t it be logical to wait and see what effect this change has on the traffic counts at the Junction Road/Mineral Point Road intersection before going forward with such a costly undertaking. It seems to us that the CIty engineers have no desire to be fiscally prudent.

What can you do to help?

Call and voice your opinion. Tell your elected officials that you support local business AND that you do not want the City to spend money it does not have!

Contact Mayor Paul Soglin:, or call 266-4611

Contact District 9 Alderperson Paul Skidmore:, or call 266-4071

Contact your City Alderperson.

Can you do more? YES!!!

Attend the City Council meeting this coming Tuesday, June 7 at 6:30PM, Room 201, City-County Building. Let the Common Council know you do not want to sacrifice small business for road projects we cannot afford.

Thank you for your help and support,

Karen, Randy, Joe, Dominique, Jason, Molly and all your friends in the Steve’s family



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