Heritage Foundation’s Spin on Protests

A wonderful example of the reality distortion field that Scott Walker is putting Wisconsin into:

Wisconsin Union Protest: Myth vs. Fact

In the video, protesters are discussing their opinions while kooky music plays, then Senator Leah Vukmir (Wauwatosa) repeats the Walker talking points in a seemingly rational way.  But anyone that is paying close attention to the protests knows that Wisconsin’s state workers make 4.8% less per hour in compensation plus benefits compared to similar work in the private sector.  While Vukmir focuses on benefits only she glosses over this important stat.

Maybe it is time to let Senator Vukmir know what you think?


  1. Maybe it is time to let Senator Vukmir know what you think?

    And so I did:

    Senator Vukmir,

    Next time you’re on camera, how about you tell the whole story, not
    just the part you like best. For example: Wisconsin’s state workers
    make 4.8% less per hour in compensation plus benefits compared to
    similar work in the private sector.


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