Hey! Where’s the Public Notice on This!?

So, um, if the Mayor and alders are getting together with the business community tonight . . . don’t you think you should know?! In the past, they noticed this as a courtesy, in case of quorum and in case people discussed things on agendas . . . and in the interest of clean government. Who dropped the ball?! Council office staff, I’m guessing, as I think that is who did these when Tim Bruer set them up. Please tell me this wasn’t set up by the Office of Business Resources and this is another attempt of theirs to keep things hush-hush. Wonder if there will be a quorum of Economic Development Commission as well . . . .

Business & Government Reception Tonight

All Chamber members are invited to attend an informal gathering of City of Madison government officials and area business leaders this evening, Tuesday, August 30 from 5 pm to 7 pm at The Brink Lounge (directions).

Mayor Paul Soglin, Madison alders, and other city officials will be in attendance. This free event is a great way to interact with city leaders and strengthen your business connections. No RSVPs are required.

Stopping by the Brink tonight to cozy up? Or going to Health and Human Needs tonight to find out just how bad the budget will be for poor people in this county? Choices . . . choices . . .


  1. I was noticed of this event via Accelerate Madison last week and I plan to be there.  Here is what was sent via Accelerate Madison:

    TUES., AUG. 30 (5:00-7:00 pm) – Madison Mayor Paul Soglin and City of
    Madison officials invite you to gather at The Brink Lounge (701 E.
    Washington Ave.). Mayor Soglin and Common Council President Lauren
    Cnare will provide brief remarks. This is a free informal gathering
    with local government officials and area business leaders, open to the
    public. City of Madison officials appreciate this annual social
    gathering as a productive way to meet constituents and strengthen
    existing connections to our business and technology communities.
    (Appetizers, Networking, Cash bar). No RSVP is required.


  2. I just got back, and there wasn’t anything Earth shattering going down.  Most of the talk was basic meet and greet fare.  The closest that anybody came to discussing business was when Soglin showed a few business types social media apps on his phone (it is amazing how long it is taking for the value of social media to sink in with them!) .  The “brief remarks” were indeed very brief and went something like: “We are in tough times, but I know we can pull through”.  Other city leaders in attendance were Lauren Cnare, Shiva Bidar-Sielaff, Scott Resnick, Chris Schmidt, Sue Ellingson, and Steve King.

  3. Thanks for the update!  I don’t think the formal part is the earth shattering thing . . . I’m just curious, who else do they do this with . .  . what other schmooze sessions do they set up?  Would they should up to a schmooze fest with the homeless . . .


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