Holy. Edgewater. Mess.

The conditional use appeal gets interesting . . .and it isn’t even Friday.

Here’s the City Attorney’s memo and attachments. 8 pages of analysis, 31 pages total.

Here’s the appellant attorney’s latest memo, prior to the City Attorney determination, and I think the one referred to in his memo.

Suffice it to say, its complicated. Looks to me like the list issue is a real concern and the appeal should be heard, but I still don’t understand how the Council will review the record. The record is blank so its not sufficient to find that the conditions of approval are met. I suspect this will end up being what the case rests on, an interpretation of what the “record” is. To me, its clear. Let me remind you, this is the discussion on this item.

(Sorry, never figured out how to sync the video and audio . . . gave up and moved on. I do, however, know what not to do next time. The audio gets done before the slow video, but it is the entire audio and I would argue, the entire record.)

I expect there to be more twists and turns to come.


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