How Many Jobs Did That Create?

So, one of my concerns over the years is that with all of the talk about Economic Development in this town, its hard to see what Ald. Zach Brandon and Mark Bugher have done in their four years on the Economic Development Commission that helps workers. The Mayor, in his response to Mark Bugher’s resignation, makes a list of things he feels have been accomplished (paraphrased cuz I couldn’t copy the text in the pdf):

Creation of Small Business Advisory Council
Acquisition of software
Started to create a One stop shop to make it easier for developers to do business with the City
Two Small Business conferences
Healthy City Economic Development blueprint
Starting an economic development plan for the city (the first since the early 80s)
Start to revise the zoning code
Giving money to the Collaboration Council
Rapid Respose Team
Giving Developers a record amount of TIF
Strengthening the Economic Development Commission
Creating a buy-local policy
Giving more money to Greater Madison Convention and Visitors Bureau
Bringing Wi-fi downtown

OK – nice list, but how many jobs did all that create? And meantime, what policies did they stand in the way of that would have made it easier for workers to live in the City of Madison – a few come to my mind – minimum income, paid sick leave and multiple affordable housing programs.

And why were things like getting the economic development plan and a buy-local policy made so difficult by some of these same people?


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