How to “Fix” the Landmarks Ordinance.

The Edgewater folks are paying attention. Are you?

From: Tina Kurt []
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 8:04 AM
To: Tina Kurt
Subject: Landmarks Ordinance

All –

The Landmarks Commission is in the process of reviewing the Landmarks Ordinance and will make recommendations to the City Council on potential changes to the language included therein in the near future. I have attached meeting minutes from the last two Landmarks Commission meetings where these changes were discussed. It will be taken up again at the 6/14/2010 meeting.

I am forwarding the attached for your reference only. I have been following this debate and thought some of you would be interested in following it as well.

Thank you.

Here’s the minutes from 3/22 and 5/24 and the lsit staff came up with for other super-majority votes in the city..

They also met on June 14th. Their next meeting appears to be 6/28, next Monday, they usually meet at 4:45 in Room LL130, well, they’ve moved around a lot for the bigger meetings, but I think they are back in that room.


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