I Hate it When Developers Do This!

And its even more annoying when someone you like does it! Grrr.

I distinctly remember that the Willy St. Coop approvals were contingent on having only a driveway that entered on to Willy St. Yes, that was 11 years ago, but I do remember it since the Social Justice Center moving to Willy St. was contingent on the Willy St. Coop moving. (We’re in their old building.)

Because this was such a big issue, I am surprised to see this slipping away. During construction on Willy St, they opened a second driveway. And now, it appears, it is not going away . . .

We have updated the Jenifer St. driveway FAQ: http://www.willystreet.coop/frequently_asked_questions_about_the_project_install_driveway_jenifer_st

Here are the new entries:

Why is the Co-op keeping the Jenifer St. driveway open two-way through winter?

We had planned to convert the use of the existing driveway to right-turn-only, exit only for as long as six months after the end of construction. However, we were cautioned by traffic experts against using the existing driveway as right-turn-only and exit only during the winter. Winter means more people driving rather than walking or biking; fewer hours of daylight; and slippery road conditions.

Is it possible to make the driveway exit-only in the spring?
That is one option open to us.

If the Co-op chooses to make a change to the use of the driveway, when will that change go into effect?
We expect any change to be made in the spring of 2012.

I see you are conducting a traffic study. Does it take into account pedestrian and bike traffic in addition to cars?
Yes; our previous traffic study did as well.

The FAQ will also be printed and available at the meeting tonight at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center (7:00pm-8:30pm) (Meeting was last night). If you can’t make it to share your experiences with the driveway, you can always e-mail them to driveway@willystreet.coop or post on our comment page. Thank you to everyone who has provided input already.

I’m not sure I know enough about the driveway to know what the right thing to do is, but like I said, I do know what was promised. And this whole issue is really dividing a neighborhood, bringing out the worst in some and creating a lot work. I find this whole thing kinda distasteful.


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