Info On City Council Candidates . . . Part One

I recently looked through all the files, and the clerk’s staff asked me why I was doing it . . . what do we get out of it? I’ll tell ya!

First of all, email addresses! Can’t send out candidate questionaires electronically without them, and I’m not going to mail them!

Second, just to see how hard they worked when they turned in their signatures . . . and how they screwed things up . . . by having people who don’t even live in their districts sign their papers . . . and to see if any of them should be challenged. (Hint: I’m guessing so, but I’m of the opinion that the more people running, the better.) Also, I don’t understand anyone who didn’t turn in 40 signatures and use the nomination paper process as a way to contact voters. I regularly collected over 100 signatures, but you can only turn in 40, you need 20.

Third, to find out if they are their own treasurers, or if they have a treasurer, to me, its a sign of a strong campaign and community support. To the clerk, its a pain in the butt if the person listed as treasurer isn’t the person who actually keeps the books and needs to be contacted.

Fourth, to see where they work and take a look at the Statement of Interest forms, which are not yet on-line, to determine what some of their interests might be.

Finally, while I was up there, I found out where they would be placed on the ballot.

Just so you know, the spring elections tab has been sorely neglected, will get updated this weekend, I promise!

Joe Tarr did a brief article on the jobs these folks have . . . with little detail. Here’s what I found. (And lets see how well I can read my notes! Should have typed them.)

Matt Brink
– turned in 20 signatures
– last on the ballot
– his dad, Curt Brink, local developer/landlord, is his treasurer
– didn’t write it down, but he works for his dad managing the Brink Lounge

Brian Driscoll
– turned in 40 signatures
– second on the ballot
– Monea Moteo Butler is his treasurer
– Works for the State, Community Relations Director for Office of Energy Independence

Lisa Subeck
– turned in 26 signatures
– third on the ballot
– Aaron Backer is her treasuer (former candidate)
– works as Executive Director of NARAL

Danny Thomas
– turned in 40 signatures
– fourth on the ballot
– he’s his own treasurer
– works at MG&E

Richard Williams
– turned in 30 signatures
– first on the ballot
– wife is his treasurer
– works for Hawk’s Landing Homeowners Association (I think he’s in real estate, not neighborhood association)

Bridget Maniaci
– turned in 31 signatures
– second on the ballot
– Judy Karosky treasurer
– works for Empire Photography

Sam Stevenson
– turned in 40 signatures
– first on the ballot
– he’s his own treasurer
– works at Hawks (Bar on State St)

Lauren Cnare
– turned in 26 signatures
– husband is her treasurer
– works at Wisconsin Primary Health Care (marketing or public relations)

Mike Verveer
– turned in 30 signatures
– Judy Karofsky is his treasurer (sound familiar?)
– no job

Shiva Bidar-Sielaff
– turned in 40 signatures
– Margaret Colucy is her treasurer
– works at UW Hospitals and Clinics in a community liaison role

Twink Jan-Mcmahon
– turned in 36 signatures
– first on the ballot
– Christina Hagen is her treasurer
– works at First Baptist Church

Marsha Rummel
– turned in 36 signatures
– second on the ballot
– she’s her own treasurer
– works at Rainbown Bookstore Cooperative

Nate Judnic
– turned in 24 signatures
– first on the ballot
– wife or woman who lives in his household is his treasurer
– works for the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board

Steven King
– turned in 24 signatures
– second on the ballot
– Elisa Brown is his treasurer
– works for St. Mary’s in . . . organizational development if I remember correctly

ok . . . to be continued . . .



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