Invite to Particiapte in Updating County Comprehensive Plan

Wait! I know it sounds boring, but it could be really important to you!!!! I’m not kidding!!! I know it sounds like a snooze, but many of your ideas about what our community should look like should be reflected in this plan if they are not already!!!

TO: All Interested Parties
FROM: Comprehensive Plan Update Steering Committee
DATE: Friday, August 9, 2013
RE: Invitation to Provide Input on Dane County Comprehensive Plan Update

The Dane County Board of Supervisors is requesting your input on a five-year update of the Dane County Comprehensive Plan.

The plan was adopted in 2007 and includes a wide array of recommendations that provide a blueprint for the physical, economic, and social development of the county. While many issues, policies and recommendations in the plan remain as relevant today as they did then, many things have changed. Dane County has grown by over 30,000 people, numerous square miles of land have been newly developed, the Great Recession is receding, baby boomers are aging, our communities are becoming more diverse, we’re moving closer to becoming a non-attainment area for ozone under the Clean Air Act, and there are many, many more emerging issues that may need to be considered and incorporated into an updated plan.

Because things change in a community over time, Dane County ordinance requires that the plan be reviewed for potential updates every five years, and the Dane County Board of Supervisors has established a Comprehensive Plan Update Steering Committee to oversee the process. The Steering Committee welcomes any comments and feedback you may have from your respective area(s) of interest and expertise regarding new and developing trends of which Dane County should be aware.

While the primary emphasis of this update is more on recent and emergent issues of interest, please don’t hesitate to submit comments on any other aspect of the current plan, including thoughts on existing plan language and specific recommendations. The Steering Committee will review and synthesize this input, make edits to the document where appropriate, and ultimately prioritize any new key policy areas for future focus and follow up.

The current plan is organized into the following subject areas: housing; transportation; utilities and community facilities; agricultural, natural and cultural resources; economic development; intergovernmental cooperation; and land use. Please use these topics when considering what thoughts and opinions you may wish to share with the committee. The following is a link to the update’s web page, which includes a listing of Committee members and links to the various plan recommendations grouped by element.

Please respond by Friday, September 13, 2013 to, and please feel free to share this request with anybody else that may be interested.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Should you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Senior Planner Curt Kodl at either (608) 266-4183, or


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