Irony of the Week – $1.2M Monona Terrace Restroom Improvements

$1.2M to improve restrooms at the Monona Terrace – and its too much to provide restrooms for homeless who have used up their days in shelter and have no place to go. Really? This is just sick. Where are our priorities? The council will be voting on this on Tuesday.

A friend of mine sent this out recently.

I attended the Board of Public Works meeting on July 3 and heard Monona Terrace staff explain why they want more than a million dollars to remodel the bathrooms at Monona Terrace. I agree they should have water-saving toilets, and it is fine with me if they do routine maintenance, but this is largely to change the style of fixtures and design so it is more “Frank Lloyd Wright-ish”.

This. Is. Crazy. We have citizens without any bathroom, roof or storage for their belongings.

As I have been communicating with alders about this, Monona Terrace has been alerted, and staff now are portraying this expense as necessary instead of cosmetic.

I will attend Council on Tuesday, beginning at 6:30 and register to speak to Item 34. I will be asking them not approve this expenditure and to request a new figure for water-saving toilets and routine maintenance instead. No luxuries until everyone’s basic needs are met.

Please consider emailing your alder, or

Make sure to add your address so the alders know you are a constituent. And consider coming to speak about why you think our priorities are screwed up.

Here’s the details on this item.

This hasn’t been approved in a budget yet – it is contingent on this being approved in the 2014 budget, but they want to go out for bids now.


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