Is A Broken Elevator that Big of a Deal?

Yes it is. Among other reasons, it really sucked at one meeting where I was at where a woman on crutches had to work really hard to get to the meeting, what if she had been in a wheelchair? She would not have been able to attend, and since her funding for her agency depended on it, the elevator has real consequences.

This is also from the CCOC meeting yesterday. Jeanne Hoffman attends the meeting to explain what the plan is to fix the pesky Madison Municipal Elevator, that works intermittently, as best, for quite some time now. Here’s the discussion.

Jeanne Hoffman explains that there have been issues with the elevator since 2007, at that point they put together plans and specs for a public works bid. At that times there was also a lot of discussion about Marcus hotel expansion and them taking over the Madison Municipal Building. They didn’t move forward and had maintenance contracted with ??? Elevators. They are under contract, they performed their job and they fixed the elevator. For years they didn’t have problems, there were a few issues, but recently it has broken down a couple times in last 6 weeks. The still have the maintenance contract, but they fix one thing and something else breaks. When it happened again, they went to reissue the plans and specs, they reviewed them quickly with staff and advertised to modernize, they bids came in. There were 2 contractors Braun and Joe Daniels,. Joe Daniels was the low bid, it goes to Board of Public Works tomorrow and will go to council on the 19th. They took the unusual step of already sending all of the contract papers to Joe Daniels ahead of the approval to get it back so when they approve on the 19th they can route it immediately and will rush the contract routing.

Clear interrupts her to say when they “presumably” approve it.

She says everyone understands why it is important, they will work closely with Joe Daniels, they need to do the shop drawings, to determine specifically what new parts will be installed, ordering of the parts will need substantial lead time, she says there is no sense in shutting it down until everything is here and then work will begin. Work will begin at end of January and hopefully it will be completed in 8 – 10 weeks and they will do everything they can to do things as quickly as possible. Until then they will still work with the maintenance contractor and will get them there to fix it as soon as possible. She says it is a huge inconvenience for meeting rooms on 2nd and 3rd floors.

Clear says city government is unable to function without it in service, he clarifies it will be out 8 – 10 weeks.

Hoffman says they will work with Joe Daniels to try to shorten they time, including double shifts.

Marsha Rummel asks what will be replaced.

Hoffman says there will be a new motor, which is the most important part, she says they should go to fourth floor, it would be good field trip, it’s really old, so that is replaced. There will be some new panels on inside, the car will not be replaced, doors will be replaced, groves for doors replaced, it will look atlot different and function predictably.

Clear asks if it will be faster?

Hoffman says yes.

Shiva Bidar-Sielaff asks if they will schedule meetings in alternate rooms.

Hoffman says they will have a schedule for the project and once contract is approved they will send out work schedule to staff who coordinate city committees and commissions and prepare to look for alternate meeting sites, wants to be confident in the dates when elevator will be shut down.

Clear asks what it will cost?

She says $148,000 plus 8% contingency per city plans

That’s it, Clear thanks them for the lack of elevator jokes.



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