Items Council Members Want to Talk About Tonight

Everything else on the agenda (see items of interest here) will be passed with the recommendation unless someone shows up to talk about it or its a public hearing or a council member pulls it off at the last minute.

July 17, 2012 Common Council Meeting
Proposed Consent Agenda Exclusions

Please note that exclusions on this listing may change at the meeting.

Items may be added or taken off the list when the consent agenda is presented.


Items that are part of Consent Agenda but with additional recommendations as noted:
18. Legislative File No. 26630 – Creating Section 3.72 of the Madison General Ordinances to create an open data ordinance to allow greater public access to data regularly prepared by City of Madison agencies. (Report of BOE – Ald. Mark Clear, D. 19 for the purpose of re-referring to the 8/7/12 CC meeting)

41. Legislative File No. 26604 – SUBSTITUTE Amending Section 24.12 of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit panhandling within 150 feet of a licensed alcohol establishment and in the State Street Mall Concourse. (Report of Public Safety Review Committee – Ald. Mike Verveer, D. 4 for the purpose of re-referring to the 8/7/12 CC meeting)

42. Legislative File No. 26693 – Amending Sections 9.24 (2)(d), (3), (4)(c), (7)(b), (7)(c)7., and (2)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances to clarify definitions and recordkeeping requirements for secondhand dealers (Report of Public Safety Review Committee – Ald. Mike Verveer, D. 4 for the purpose of re-referring to the 8/7/12 CC meeting)

68. Legislative File No. 26955 Michael Best & Friedrich, attorney for RDC Development LLC, 100 E. Wisconsin Ave., Ste. 3300, Milwaukee, 53202 – excessive assessment – $19,527.64. – This item should be referred to the City Attorney and not the Risk Manger.

The following items are extra-majority items to be included on the consent agenda with request for unanimous vote:
10. Legislative File No. 27020 – Report of the Mayor designating emergency interim successors. (Report of Mayor – 15 votes required)

23. Legislative File No. 26864 – Amending the 2012 Police Operating Budget by appropriating $57,500 from the Contingent Reserve and allocating $50,000 for overtime and associated benefits to allow for increased citywide safety initiatives, and $7,500 to purchase bicycles. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

24. Legislative File No. 26867 – Amending the 2012 Facilities Management Capital Budget and transferring $100,000 from City-County Building Improvements (810621) to General Building Improvements (810595) to allow for the upgrade of the electrical panels at the Madison Municipal Building. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

25. Legislative File No. 26870 – Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Eppstein Uhen Architects to provide professional architectural and engineering design consultant services for tenant improvements of Fire Administration Office Building within the Hovde Properties building and remodeling of Fire Station No.1 in the amount of $396,000, and authorizing expenditures of up to $15,000 related to sale of the current Fire Administration site. (4th AD) (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

26. Legislative File No. 26871 – Amending the 2012 Facilities Management Capital Budget and transferring $100,000 from City-County Building Improvements (810621) to General Building Improvements (810595) to allow for the hiring of consulting services to develop schematic designs and cost estimates for the renovation on Madison Municipal Building. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

Items requested by alders to be placed on EXCLUSION LIST
17. Legislative File No. 26332 – SUBSTITUTE accepting the Report of the Judge Doyle Square Staff Team dated March 20, 2012 and Directing Further Follow-up Actions. (Report of BOE – Ald. Mark Clear, D. 19 for the purpose of AMENDING)

27. Legislative File No. 26897 – Establishing the University Hill Farms Steering Committee and authorizing staff to contract with a consultant to assist in the preparation of neighborhood plan. (Report of BOE – Ald. Chris Schmidt, D. 11 for the purpose of submitting a SUBSTITUTE for adoption)

33. Legislative File No. 26892 – Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement to form a local chapter of Just Walk! Inc. to create a “A Walk with a Doc” program. (Report of Board of Park Commissioners – Ald. Mark Clear, D. 19 for the purpose of recommending ADOPTION)

40. Legislative File No. 24468 – SUBSTITUTE Resolution Adopting the Downtown Plan as a Supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan. (Report of Plan Commission – Ald. Mike Verveer, D. 4 for the purpose of AMENDING)


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