Items Council Plans to Talk about Tonight

This is what is NOT on their consent agenda . . . so these are the only items they will talk about unless someone shows up to speak on an item or a council member or the mayor pulls it off the consent agenda. Everything else on the agenda would be acted on as noted on the agenda.

Agenda Items #3 through #6 are PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS.
Public Hearing Items:
3. Legislative File No. 22443 – Public Hearing Item – Rezoning 1001 University Avenue – *Need Plan Commission recommendation from 9/19/11 meeting – *Also requires 3/4 of the members of the Common Council voting on the rezoning)

4. Legislative File No. 23336 – Public Hearing Item – Appeal received from LZ, LLC regarding Legistar file number 22443 and the decision regarding the property located at 1001 University Avenue. (Public Hearing Item – Referred to this Meeting – Requires two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Common Council voting on the appeal)

The following items are extra-majority items to be included on the consent agenda with request for unanimous vote
14. Legislative File No. 23416 – Resolution to Amend the 2011 Operating Budgets of the Police Department, Streets Division and Parks Division by appropriating $35,018 from the Contingent Reserve Fund for expenses related to the “Freakfest 2011” Halloween event and authorizing receipt of revenues derived from admission fees and donations.. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

37. SUBSTITUTE Legislative File No. – $67,005,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes – (Report of BOE – *Need BOE recommendation from 9/20/11 meeting – 15 votes required)

Items requested by alders to be placed on EXCLUSION LIST
17. Legislative File No. 23525 – Approving Settlement of tax refund litigation with Lamar Outdoor Advertising of Janesville for years 2004, 2006-2010, Approving payment of $160,000 from City resources to effectuate the Settlement and amending the 2011 Operating Budget to reduce estimated general fund revenues by $59,468.19 to recognize the City’s share of Settlement Costs. (Report of BOE – Ald. Shiva Bidar-Sielaff, President Pro Tem – 15 votes required – for the purpose of re-referring to the 10/4/11 Common Council Meeting at request of City Attorney)

22. Legislative File No. 23705 – Amending the 2011 Engineering Operating Budget for the creation of a 1.0 FTE position of Public Works General Foreperson (CG18-07), and appropriating $24,725 from the Contingent Reserve. (Report of BOE – Ald. Mark Clear, District 19 – 15 votes required)

38. Legislative File No. 23801 – Authorizing the City of Madison to move certain bargaining unit groups into the high-deductible insurance plan. (Report of BOE – Ald. Mike Verveer, D. 4 – for the purpose of re-referring to the 10/4/11 Common Council Meeting)

72. Legislative File No. 22661 – Creating new Sec. 8.19(3), …to create ordinances that prohibit bringing animals, radio controlled toys, sound amplification devices and loaded firearms into the zoo. The ordinances prohibits harassing zoo animals, smoking, consuming alcohol, trespassing, feeding animals, bike riding, skateboarding, rollerblading and riding a scooter on zoo property. It establishes bail deposits for violations of the new ordinances. (Report of PSRC – Ald. Shiva Bidar-Sielaff, President Pro Tem – 15 votes required – for the purpose of re-referring to the City Attorney and the 10/18/11 Common Council Meeting at request of City Attorney)

75. Legislative File No 23785 – Amending Sections 9.24 and 1.08(3)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances to require secondhand dealers to compile and submit to the police department electronic records of transactions and creating penalties. (Report of PSRC – Ald. Mike Verveer, D. 4 – for the purpose of re-referring to the 10/4/11 Common Council Meeting)


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