Joe Wineke Announcement

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Here’s the text of the speech:

Wineke Announces Run for County Executive
Verona Democrat promises to fight for Dane County’s future at capitol event

VERONA – Former City Councilman, State Assemblyman, State Senator, and Chairman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin Joe Wineke (D-Verona) delivered the following remarks today regarding his campaign for Dane County Executive.

“Thank you all for coming. I’m sure by now you’ve guessed why you’re here. I’ve been clear about my intent to seek this office over the past few weeks, after all. But you may be asking why we’re gathered here, in the Assembly Chamber of the Wisconsin State Capitol.

“The answer is simple. Our very way of life in Dane County is under attack.

“The New Year is just around the corner, and with it comes a new administration here, in this building. And as someone who served for many years in both the legislature and the administration, I can tell you the challenges we will face are considerable. Drastic cuts to state aid and large reductions in the area’s workforce will hit the county budget hard, and will have even more dire effects on local businesses.

“We are literally fighting for Dane County’s future – and that fight will take place in these halls just as often, if not more, than it does over at the City-County building.

“I’m honored to be joined here today by community leaders who have been at the forefront of that fight over the years – past, present, and future. Assembly Speaker and US Ambassador Tom Loftus. State Senator John Erpenbach. My campaign treasurer, Governor Tony Earl. And several of the hard-working men and women whose efforts – literally – built this county into the great place that it is. And I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for the support of my wife, Debbie, and my children over many years.

“So I am here today to announce my candidacy for Dane County Executive. Now, more than ever, we need experienced leaders who will stand up and fight for our shared values. From my time on the Verona City Council, to my service here in this building, to my work in the construction industry and as a leader in the Democratic Party, I have fought for the working men and women of our community throughout my entire career. And I will continue to fight with every ounce of energy I have as Dane County Executive.

“My whole career has prepared me to lead at this difficult time. And I believe that my qualifications stand out. There are other good candidates in this race, but not one of them has the combination of public and private sector service – or the track record of success – that I possess.

“On the public side of the ledger, I’ve tackled tough budgets as a member of the Verona City Council, the Wisconsin State Assembly, and the Wisconsin State Senate for nearly thirty years. And for the past two years, I have served our state as an Administrator in the executive branch, dealing directly with the wage and benefit issues that so many employees in our area will struggle with in the coming months.

“In the private sector, I have organized on behalf of more than 9,000 unionized, skilled construction workers across the state, worked as the Executive Director of a private labor-management cooperative in the construction industry, and lead the Wisconsin Democratic Party at a time when we saw unprecedented electoral victories across the state.

“But it’s not just my professional experience that brought me here today. My family roots in Dane County go back over 125 years, and I have lived in the Verona area my whole life. I grew up in a single-parent family, the seventh of eight kids, and attended one of the last one-room schoolhouses in the state. My twin brother and I made up the entire first grade. Times were often tough, but I learned the value of hard work and fiscal discipline at an early age. I went to work pumping gas at 14, and paid my way through college down the street at UW-Madison.

“I ran for the City Council at age 23 so I could give back to the community that helped me so much, and I’ve been fighting for it ever since. Now, my wife of 30 years and I are the proud parents of three great kids and Gracie, the golden retriever. And we’re still giving back to the community.

“So as I’ve spoken with concerned citizens across Dane County, many of whom are former constituents, people don’t question my qualifications. But they do wonder why I’d want to take on this challenge now, when times are so tough. Some have suggested I might be a little crazy.

“But many of the things that have made Dane County such a great place to live and work are now in serious jeopardy. Following the worst recession since the Great Depression, we’ve elected a governor and legislature who promise hostility to public employees, basic human services, local government aid, and our educational system. The combination could cripple our community, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. But I strongly believe that Dane County’s future is worth fighting for.

“So it is my promise that as County Executive, I will fight for public employees. More than 95,000 jobs in Dane County are provided by some level of government. Add in the spouses, partners, and children who depend on those employees’ income and we’re talking about 150,000 to 200,000 people impacted by the new administration’s proposed combination of furloughs and layoffs, increases in pension expenses and health care premiums. These actions have the potential to hit 40% of Dane County’s population with wage cuts as high as 15%. The impact on private sector businesses and our overall county budget would be devastating.

“As County Executive, I’ll fight to protect Human Services. These vital safety net programs currently represent 63% of the entire budget of Dane County, but also depend largely on state aid. If Walker and company follow through with their promise to balance the budget without raising taxes or fees, they will try to do it on the backs of our poor, our disabled, and our elderly. We cannot allow that to occur.

“As County Executive, I’ll fight to ensure Public Safety receives the resources it needs. While the incoming administration may pay lip service to law enforcement, their draconian cuts to shared revenue could seriously jeopardize public safety. At 20% of our county’s budget, we must do everything we can to provide dedicated funding to the law enforcement agencies that keep our communities safe.

“And as County Executive, I will fight to maintain our infrastructure – our roads, highways, parks, and other public spaces. The Walker campaign made much hay out of the need to fix our crumbling roads and bridges, and we’re going to hold their feet to the fire. We’re going to keep them accountable for all their campaign rhetoric.

“As the political and economic winds continue to shift, we’ll need to fight just to protect the basic services our citizens depend on. Someone needs to stand up to Scott Walker and the legislature and defend our quality of life in Dane County. It’s time to fight back…and that’s just what I’ll do.

“To sit by and watch so much of what I believe important be decimated is just not how I am programmed. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a fighter – and I’ve fought for the needs of working families my whole life. And it’s that experience that I’ll bring to bear in the fight for Dane County’s future.”

Joe Wineke (D-Verona) is a former City Councilman, State Legislator, and Chairman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Read more about Joe’s lifelong fight for working families and vision for the Dane County Executive’s office at


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