Last Minute Process for Council Budget Meetings

Makin’ it up at the last minute, staff deciding how the council will do things? How are people supposed to know this? Does the council get a say in their own process and shouldn’t this have been worked out months ago when they passed the resolution on the budget process?

From: Cnare, Lauren
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 10:12 AM
To: ALL ALDERS; Soglin, Paul; Fields, Debbie; Miley, Sally; Berg, Elena; Christianson, Eric; May, Michael; Schmiedicke, David
Subject: Update on Tonight’s Proceedings

Dear Colleagues:

We met with the Budget Meeting Team (we two, Lisa Veldran, Mike May, Sally Miley, Elena Berg, Eric Christianson, and David Schmiedicke) this afternoon for ideas on how to run our budget meetings as efficiently as possible and accommodate everyone as conveniently as possible. Lavender baths were not a major topic area, but the following conclusions were:

Tuesday is Capitol Budget night, and the agenda has some items for introduction. We will suspend the rules to introduce items first, before PH starts at 5:45. Lisa Veldran and Elena Berg will be helping citizens register. They will have early public comment forms available and as soon as people complete all their (early or regular) forms, they will sort them into piles by amendment number. (Early testifiers will go first, like always, if we have any.)

CItizen Speakers
For people who register on a couple items, they will be placed in order of the first amendment upon which they register. For example, I register on Amendments 3, 7 and 12. I would go in the No. 3 section, and will use my 5 minutes (remember, 5 minutes to address Cap budget, and 5 minutes to address Ops budget) to address all three items. If I register only on Amendment 3, then I will be in the No. 3 section and will have 5 full minutes to address my issue. We will be pretty tight on the 5 minutes. If you want to learn more, you may certainly offer more time through the Q&A.

We did discuss the unlikely, but possible situation where a citizen would like to address both Cap and Ops amendments in one trip downtown on Tuesday. We, of course, want to be gracious, but also fairly support the format we have crafted. Individuals in that situation will be directed to Lisa, who will offer those who want only to register in support or opposition but not speak on Ops Budget items, the forms to do so. We will keep those Ops budget forms on hand for Wednesday night. We should remain flexible to be realistic with our speakers, and try hard to stay with the format. Suspension of the rules allows us flexibility.

Questions that Seek Answers
For us, we agreed to use the rules we usually don’t. For example, when asking questions of staff or speakers, ask questions for which we seek an answer, and not be tempted down the path of the rhetorical question or the question that requires significant build-up. We can rely on each other to guide by raising a point of order and nudge each other to get to the question. The chair will also offer reinforcement.

Alder Speaking Rules
Following Q&A of speakers and staff, we will enter debate. Alders may speak on an issue two times for a maximum of 10 minutes each time. Each speaking time will start the clock, which the city clerk staff will use. If one speaks for 2 minutes the first time, the remaining 8 minutes are not carried over. The 10-minute clock starts again on the second instance of speaking.

Move Your Own Amendment, Alder Sponsor (if you want to)
With regard to amendments, if you are comfortable, we would like the lead sponsor to move amendments; a co-sponsor may second or one of us will. If you are shy, (hey, just sayin’ it’s possible) and want another co or one of us to do it, just let Lauren know.

Clarification Techniques
The chair will reinforce “sections” of the process, announcing time to start and end questions of speakers, questions of staff, and the start of debate. The chair will also read the item being voted on, in case we have “layers” of changes, to be sure we are all voting on the same thing. It can get confusing, and this repeat should help us avoid “do overs.”

From the Floor . . .
If you are contemplating amendments from the floor, please have them typed up and provide 30 copies. While this may not be possible for everything that arises, or you may never use your amendment, it’s far easier to understand and then discuss amendments with something in front of us. It is also useful for the chair and clerk to be able to read and record them. We also have a portable wireless printer that we will try to have on hand.

Take a Break
We will check in for breaks when speakers testimony and questions have ended, or at 9:30, whichever comes first. May we agree to keep breaks to 15 minutes?

Add It Up
David Schmiedicke and staff will be on hand to provide regular or requested updates on where we are in terms of the levy and any ceilings we are about to bump.

We will not be ordering food for Tuesday, but we are bringing tempting and nutritious “treats” for each of us, and of course, add your own mix! We will order coffee from a local coffee shop to arrive about 7 pm – caf and decaf! (We have to confirm someone can/will deliver!)

We both hope this format and these guidelines will help us move along effectively, but will not hamper full discussion in any way. And, following this budget cycle, we plan to initiate a President’s Workgroup – probably of past presidents who have done the arrangements before – to develop a procedure to follow. So, in the spirit of quality improvement and 2-day budgets, please let us know how this works for you and your constituents. We appreciate the feedback! Maybe a little survey monkey follow-up is in our future!

Alders LC and SBS


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