Last Pre-Primary Dane County Executive Debate Tonight!

United for Funding, a group of coalitions and agencies that work in the human services field will be asking questions about Human Services issues, which is half the county budget.

The debate will be moderated by Linda Ketcham from Madison-area Urban Ministries. Questions developed by United for Funding. The event is:

7:00pm – 8:30pm
Dale Heights Presbyterian Church (5501 University Ave)

It will be broadcast on WORT tomorrow at noon on A Public Affair.

Who is United For Funding? According to the facebook page it is:
Non-profits and their allies, grown weary from years of getting by on inadequate funding are standing up, together, to say that enough is enough. We aren’t keeping up with inflation or the growth of our community, and we are as lean as can be. Furthermore, a cut to one group, is a cut to all, as we depend on each other to serve the broad needs of our community. And our services are needed now, more than ever.

Members of the group include the Children and Youth Mental Health Consortium, Mental Health Coalition, members of the Homeless Consortium, Madison-area Urban Ministry and many, many individual non-profit agencies that serve the community every day and their allies.

All the candidates say they will protect human services, let’s find out what that means!


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