Local Government Guide is Back!

This work was initially done by myself, Brenda Konkel, for Progressive Dane about 3 years ago.  Technical difficulties happened and over the past three years I continued some of the work here at Forward Lookout.  I’m in the process of merging the work and expanding the guide.  Let me know what you think!This is joint project of Progressive Dane and Forward Lookout, so you will see references to Progressive Dane internal procedures around elections and membership.

Why do the guide?

After Trump was elected, and at the time with Republicans firmly in power at the state level, many people gave up hope and turned their attention to what our local governments could do to combat what we all suspected was coming.  Progressive Dane, primarily me with the guidance of others, put together a local government guide to help people who wanted to get more involved locally.

Selfishly, I mostly wanted a place I could refer people to when they ask me questions about city council, county board or school board.

What happened?

After the guide was published we (others, not me) started transferring Progressive Dane’s website from one platform (Nationbuilder) to another (Squarespace).  The local government guide was the most complex piece to transition with the many links and layers.  The work never got completed and the volunteers working on it got busy with other things.  The project was left halfway done on a new platform that the rest of us were just learning.  After months of saying “we should figure out how to fix that” I just gave up and took action!  I moved it to Forwardlookout.com so I could include some of the pieces I have written since then and continue working on the “coming soon” pieces in a platform I am much more familiar with and without trying to figure out the system of the other work that was left half done.

Work in progress

The guide is work in progress. You will see places marked for future links, and “coming soon” topics on each of the main pages.  Over the next month or so there will be many updates to the guide – but for now, you can once again access the materials without a whole bunch of dead links.  Since most of the work was done three years ago, it needs updating.  If you spot anything that you think should be updated, feel free to send me an email.

I suspect after I complete the guide, it will eventually go back to Progressive Dane’s website in some form, but for now its easier to work on it here in WordPress.  I hope you enjoy our joint project!

What’s in the guide?




Do you have additional questions you’d like to see in the FAQs?  Please submit your questions to brendakonkel@gmail.com.



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