Council meets this week, 3 cancelled meetings, 2 missing agendas.
Monday, October 7, 2024
4:00pm Facilities Programs and Fees Subcommittee (Parks) Parks Division Lakeside Offices
- 2025 Proposed Athletic Fees
- Parks Staff Presentation on Volunteer Program
- Parks Staff Presentation on Friends Group Rules and Guidelines
- Parks Staff Ranger Presentation
- Parks Staff Presentation on Community Event
5:00pm Landmarks Commission Virtual
- Certificate of Apprirateness – 619-699 W Mifflin Street – Land Division/Combination, Demolition, and New Construction on a Designated Madison Landmark Site (Wiedenbeck-Dobelin Warehouse – 619 W Mifflin) (District 4)
- Advisory Recommendation – 619-699 W Mifflin Street – Development Adjacent to a Designated Madison Landmark (Wiedenbeck-Dobelin Warehouse – 619 W Mifflin; Milwaukee Road Depot – 640 W Washington) (District 4)
- Landmark Nomination – 619 W Mifflin Street – Amendment of a Landmark Nomination, Boundary Adjustment (District 4)
- Buildings Proposed for Demolition
- 2024 -619 W Mifflin Street
- 699 W Mifflin Street
- 418 W Washington Avenue
- 420 W Washington Avenue
- 422 W Washington Avenue
- 426 W Washington Avenue
- 430 W Washington Avenue
- 432 W Washington Avenue
- 438 W Washington Avenue
- 440 W Washington Avenue
- 446 W Washington Avenue
- 413 W Mifflin Street
- 417 W Mifflin Street
- 306 S Brearly Street
- 1917 Moorland Road
5:30pm Plan Commission Virtual
- Amending Sections 28.132 and 28.138 of the Madison General Ordinances related to Lakefront Encroachments to codify lakefront yard policy and add detail.
- 5048 Thorson Road, Town of Sun Prairie: Consideration of a Certified Survey Map within the City’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction to create two residential lots.
- 3020 Waunona Way (District 14): Consideration of a conditional use to allow construction of an addition to a single-family residence on a lakefront parcel.
- 6910 Seybold Road (District 19): Consideration of a conditional use in the Commercial Center (CC) District for dwelling units in a mixed-use building to allow construction of a two-story mixed-use building with roughly 3,000 square feet of commercial space and two (2) apartments.
- Approving the final plat of Starkweather Plat on land generally addressed as 3450-3614 Milwaukee Street (District 15).
- 702 W Olin Avenue (District 13): Consideration of a conditional use in the Traditional Residential-Consistent 4 (TR-C4) District for a total area of accessory buildings measured at ground floor that exceeds 1,000 square feet to allow construction of a detached garage with an accessory dwelling unit.
- 1902 S Stoughton Road (District 15): Consideration of a conditional use in the Commercial Corridor-Transitional (CC-T) District for a single-family residence to allow a commercial building to be converted into a single-family residence.
- 2250 Roth Street (District 12): Consideration of a demolition permit to demolish a single-family residence. 10. 85057 Creating Section 28.022-00690 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at AND 2248-2254 Roth Street from TR-C4 (Traditional Residential-Consistent 4) District to PR (Parks and Recreation) District. (District 12)
5:30pm City-County Homeless Issues Committee Virtual
- Updates from the HSC Lived Experience Council
- Discussion and possible recommendations for the 2025 City and County budget
5:30pm Sister City Collaboration Committee Virtual
- Sister City Program Reports – October 2024
- Sister City Communication with Schools
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
1:30pm Board of Review Madison Municipal Building
- OBJ: 425 ~ PARCEL: 0709-232-0310-6 ~ ADDRESS: 405 N LAKE ST ~ OWNER: CC6 VARSITY LLC ~ CURRENT ASSESSMENT: $7,330,000 85535
- OBJ: 443 ~ PARCEL: 0709-221-1221-7 ~ ADDRESS: 1423 MONROE ST ~ OWNER: 1423 MONROE LLC ~ CURRENT ASSESSMENT: $19,770,000 85539
- OBJ: 438 ~ PARCEL: 0709-232-2933-4 ~ ADDRESS: 110 N BEDFORD ST ~ OWNER: 110 BEDFORD LLC ~ CURRENT ASSESSMENT: $46,340,000
4:30pm Common Council Executive Committee Virtual, 201 City-County Building
- State of Wisconsin Request to Install Cameras on Existing City Poles around Capitol Square on State Property
- Alder Budget Engagement Events
- Updates
4:30pm Notice of Possible Quorum of the Community Development Authority – Housing Operations Public Hearing Madison Municipal Building – Room 204
- Community Development Authority Housing Operations Division PHA Annual Plan Public Hearing
- CDA Public Housing Authority 5-Year Plan (2025 – 2029) – Legistar File 85439
- 2025 CDA PHA Annual Plan – Legistar File 85440
- CDA Capital Fund Program 5-Year Action Plan – Legistar File 85441
- Plan documents may be found at:
6:30pm Common Council Virtual, City-County Building
- Honoring resolutions
- Proclaiming October 15, 2024, as White Cane Safety Day in the City of Madison
- Recognizing October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- Congratulating Mentoring Positives on their 20th anniversary and thanking them for their steadfast dedication to the Darbo-Worthington neighborhood.
- Affirming and Celebrating Monday, October 14, 2024, as Indigenous Peoples’ Day
- Presentation by the City Clerk
- Presentation: Public safety, including Madison Police Department, the CARES program (Community Alternative Response Emergency Services), and VPU (Violence Prevention Unit)
- 2025 Executive Capital Budget
- Public Hearings – New Licenses
- Regent Street Mini Mart 1401 Regent St
- Rocky Rococo 4556 Monona Dr
- La Playita Tacos y Mariscos 2601 W Beltline Hwy #106
- El Rancho Breakfast and Tacos 824 E Johnson St
- Madison Pantry 2022 Fordem Ave
- Roxxy 327 W Gorham St
- Marie’s Soul Food 1637 Monroe St
- Wine & Design Madison 167 S Fair Oaks Ave
- MPL Corporation Investment • dba TBD 823 Williamson St
- Kettle Black Kitchen 1835 Monroe St
- Antler’s Tavern 2202 W Broadway
- Approving Plans, Specifications, and Schedule of Assessments for the N Franklin Avenue and Lynn Terrace Assessment District – 2025 (District 5)
- Creating Section 28.022-00687 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 702-750 University Row and 5119 Silvertree Run from PD (Planned Development) District to Amended PD (GDP) (Planned Development-General Development Plan) District and creating Section 28.022-00688 to approve a Specific Implementation Plan. (District 19)
- Creating Section 28.022-00689 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 346 East Lakeside Street from TR-C2 (Traditional Residential-Consistent 2) District to PR (Parks and Recreation) District. (District 13)
- Creating Section 28.022-00690 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 2248-2254 Roth Street from TR-C4 (Traditional Residential-Consistent 4) District to PR (Parks and Recreation) District. (District 12) – re-refer
- 23 entity reorganizations, 1 operators license, 2 change of agents, 1 18+ Center for Visual and Performing Arts License, 1 21+ entertainment license
- Change of Licensed Premises Cocina Nica LLC • dba Los Remedios Current Capacity (in/out): 80/24 • Proposed Capacity (in/out): 80/300 1701 Moorland Rd • Agent: Julio Cesar Jiron Ruiz Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 40% alcohol, 60% food Police Sector 312 (District 14) Request to increase capacity.
- Approving State / Municipal Agreement for Local Let Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Project, I.D. 5992-02-00/87, for E Rusk Ave Path and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute this agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for construction cost sharing and State design review costs. (District 14)
- Approving State / Municipal Agreement for Local Let Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Project, I.D. 5992-02-01/88, for Moorland Rd Path and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute this agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for construction cost sharing and State design review costs. (District 14)
- Approving State / Municipal Agreement for Local Let Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Project, I.D. 5992-02-04/84, for Woodward Dr Path and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute this agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for construction cost sharing and State design review costs. (District 18)
- Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a revised State/Municipal Agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Project I.D. 5992-11-20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/53/54/59/60, for John Nolen Drive (District 4, District 13)
- Accepting improvements, awarding contracts, approving plans and specs.
- Approving the schedule of Special Charges for the State Street Mall/Capitol Concourse for 2023/24 Maintenance Charges. (District 2, District 4 and District 8)
- Authorizing the City of Madison, on behalf of the Madison Senior Center, to accept a 2024-2025 digital literacy grant award of up to $7,500 from the National Council on Aging (NCOA); authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with NCOA to formally accept the grant funds; and amending the Community Development Division’s 2024 Adopted Operating Budget, as appropriate (District 4).
- Applying to the Dane County Board for exemption from the Dane County Library Tax levied under Section 43.57(3) and 43.64(2) Wisconsin Statutes.
- Authorizing a sole source contract for goods and services from Royer Industries, Inc. for parts and repair on the Royer Topsoil Shredder for City of Madison Parks.
- Authorizing the execution of a Fourth Amendment to the Lease with Joella Enterprises, LLC allowing for the City’s continued use of space at 29 Marsh Court for the operation of the Madison Police Department evidentiary facility (District 16).
- Authorizing an amendment to an Emergency Rental Assistance Program contract with Benevate, Inc., which governs the use of Benevate Inc.’s Neighborly Software system in administering Federal Emergency Rental Assistance funds provided to the City, to sustain efforts to prevent evictions and promote housing stability for eligible households in Dane County affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; and amending the Community Development Division’s 2024 Operating Budget to reflect use of these funds, additionally accepting up to $237,000 from Dane County to pay administration fees related to its use of that system.
- SUBSTITUTE Authorizing the City of Madison to submit, and if awarded, to accept a grant of up to $971,782 from the Flexible Facilities Program funded through the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources for the Central Library remodel and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into to enter into an agreement with the State of Wisconsin to accept the grant award. (District 4)
- Authorizing the City of Madison to submit, and if awarded, to accept a grant of up to $4,250,000 from the Flexible Facilities Program funded through the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources for the Imagination Center at Reindahl Park Project and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with the State of Wisconsin to accept the grant award; and amending the 2024 Adopted Capital Budget of the Madison Public Library. (District 12 and District 17)
- Amending the 2024 Adopted Economic Development Department’s Operating Budget to accept a $670,000 grant award from the Build America Bureau of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the associated grant agreement with USDOT.
- Approving housing recommendations that serve to strengthen efforts to expand rental, homeowner and student developments, prepared by the Housing Strategy Committee (Citywide). Likely will be referred.
- Certified Survey map and plat
- Authorizing the Planning Division to lead the preparation of the Southeast Area Plan and Adopting a Public Participation Plan
- Authorizing the Planning Division to lead the preparation of the Southwest Area Plan and Adopting a Public Participation Plan
- Amending Section 5.20 of the Madison General Ordinances to modify the Police Civilian Oversight Board appointment process. – re-refer
- Amending Sections 13.07, 13.18(6)(a) and 13.19(2), and creating Sec. 4.08(1) (d) of the Madison General Ordinances to address the connection of properties served by private water supply cooperatives to the City water supply and update the residential connection rebate program, to bring the lead service line reimbursement amount in line with the updated residential connection rebate amount, and to allow for longer installment payments of special assessments for customers of private water supply cooperatives.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
12:00pm Notice of Possible Quorum of the Madison Arts Commission Virtual
- No agenda
1:00pm Homeless Services Consortium Board of Directors Virtual
- No agenda
4:30pm Urban Design Commission Virtual
- 823 E Washington Avenue – Amendment to an Approved Comprehensive Design Review of Signage (CDR) in Urban Design District (UDD) 8. (District 6)
- 2450 E Washington Avenue – New Multi-Family Building in Urban Design District (UDD) 5. (District 12)
- 501 N Henry Street – Alteration to a Planned Development (PD) for Exterior Changes to an Existing Building. (District 2)
4:30pm Board of Public Works Virtual
- Authorizing the City Engineer to obtain a Permit from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and pertinent Railroad Company(ies) for construction along the Railroad Corridor located at 1890 E. Johnson St and 1894 E. Johnson St, and authorizing the indemnification of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, the Wisconsin River Rail Transit Commission, the Wisconsin & Southern Railroad, L.L.C., WATCO Companies, L.L.C, Canadian Pacific Railway, and SOO Line Railroad Co. (District 12)
- Authorizing an amendment to the contract between the City of Madison and Engberg Anderson, Inc. in the amount of $61,700 for additional architectural and engineering design services for the Metro Transit Hanson Road Satellite Bus Facility Remodel project. (District 17)
- Awarding contracts, accepting improvements, approving plans and specs
- Declaring the City of Madison’s intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Resurfacing 2025- Assessment District. (District 5, 10,11, 20)
- Assessing Benefits W. Wilson Street and S. Broom Street Assessment District -2021 Revised (District 4)
- Assessing Benefits Old Middleton Road and Craig Avenue Resurfacing Assessment District – 2021 Revised (District 11, District 19)
- Assessing Benefits Lake Mendota Drive Assessment District – 2023 Revised
- Assessing Benefits Felland Road Reconstruction Assessment District – 2022 Revised. (District 17)
- Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for CCB REMODEL-DCR 104 & 108A. (District 4)
- $315,000 in 3 change orders
- Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8770, West Towne Path – Phase 2a. (District 9)
5:00pm Public Safety Review Committee Virtual
- Reports
- Budget Presentation, Reuben Sanon from the Mayor’s Office
- Approving an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Sun Prairie and the City of Madison for the Madison Fire Department to provide emergency crisis services through the City of Madison CARES program.
- Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to amend the competitively selected service contract with REDI Transports, LLC for ongoing emergency detention transport services
- Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a five (5) year non-competitive service contract for up to $60,000 annually with Domestic Abuse Intervention Services, Inc. for the Law Enforcement Advocate Partnership (LEAP) (2025-2029).
- Amending the Police Department’s 2024 Operating Budget; and authorizing the Mayor and Chief of Police to accept a FY2024 USDOJ Office of Community Policing Services (COPS Office) Community Policing Development Microgrant for $136,398, and to utilize these funds to evaluate to Department’s stratified policing business model for community engagement and proactive crime reduction; and authorizing a sole source contract for services from Santos & Santos, Ph.D, Inc. to evaluate the Department’s stratified policing business model.
- Authorizing the City Clerk and Mayor to enter into a competitively selected service contract for a one-year term with four annual renewal options, for a total of five years, with The Psychology Center SC for employee mental health and wellness services
- Reports
5:30pm City, County Schools Collaborative Committee Virtual
- Discussion on possible City or County Budget Recommendations
- How to vet topics examining variables such as:
- CCSCC ability to influence item in question
- Who is already working on an issue
- How important is the issue and does it need attention or to be elevated
6:30pm Board of Park Commissioners Parks Division Lakeside Offices
- Reports
- Informational Presentation by Madison Parks Foundation Regarding Parks For All Trust and Development of Corporate Partner Policy
- 2025 Proposed Athletic Fees
- Review of Events Administratively Approved by Staff
- Informational Presentation regarding the Parks Division 2024 Workplan
Thursday, October 10, 2024
4:30pm Community Development Authority Virtual
- CDA Resolution No. 4625 – Authorizing the signing of a contract for Truax Park Apartments RFB #: 13078-0-2024-BP New Boilers for Buildings 5, 11, and 13 Straubel Ct. Contract to be awarded to 1901 LLC in the amount of $159,850.00.
- CDA Resolution No. 4626 – Authorizing the signing of a contract for Truax Park Apartments RFB #: 13075-0-2024-BG New Playgrounds near 11 Straubel Ct. and 1651 Wright St. Contract to be awarded to Lee Recreation LLC in the amount of $198,094.00.
- CDA Resolution No. 4627 – Authorizing the signing of a contract for Truax Park Apartments RFB#: 13076-0-2024-BG New Playgrounds near 3510 Straubel St. and 3538 Straubel St. Contract to be awarded to Lee Recreation LLC in the amount of $199,903.00.
- CDA Resolution No. 4628 – Authorizing the CDA to execute a first amendment to the lease with Taqueria Los Atlantes LLC for the leasing of storage space at The Village on Park.
- CDA Resolution No. 4629 – Authorizing the submission of the required PHA Five-Year Plan for Years 2025 – 2029, PHA Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2025, and Capital Fund Program 5-Year Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
- CDA Resolution No. 4630 – Authorizing the execution of documents providing temporary access to 302 N Blackhawk Avenue.
- CDA Resolution N. 4624 – Approving the Community Development Authority’s 2025 Operating Budget.
- Presentation on Park/Badger Redevelopment Master Plan Update
- Report on Housing Authority Operations
5:00pm Madison Public Library Board Sandburg Elementary
- Reports
- Approval of the Director Evaluation Form and Implementation Plan
- Approval of the Memorandum of Mutual Accountability: Beyond the Page/Ripplex
- Review of Madison Public Library’s Collection Development Policy
- Updates on the Imagination Canter at Reindahl Park
- Reports
5:30pm Community Development Block Grant Committee Virtual
- No agenda
5:30pm Notice of Possible Quorum of the Community Development Authority – Madison Revitalization and Community Development Corporation Virtual