Madison City Week Ahead 6/8/20

Police (Monday), police (Tuesday), police (Wednesday) and some other things known and yet to be published.

Monday, June 8, 2020

5:00 pm EOC Executive Committee VIRTUAL This meeting is being held virtually.

The City of Madison is holding the Equal Opportunities Commission Executive Committee meeting virtually to help protect our community from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

  1. Written Comments: You can send comments on agenda items to
  2. Public Registration: You can register your support or opposition to an agenda item at If you wish to speak at the virtual meeting on an agenda item, you must register. When you register, you will be sent an email with the information you will need to join the virtual meeting.
  3. Listen to the Meeting: You can call-in to the Equal Opportunities Commission Executive Committee meeting:

Listen to audio via phone:
(877) 853-5257 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 923 1449 1901

  • Update from DCR Director
  • Finalize Retreat
  • 2020 Work Plan – Work with other Municipalities, work with other Communities in WI
  • Elections (Office Positions, Executive Team Positions, Appeals Committee)
  • Elect a Representative to Serve on the Body-Worn Camera Feasibility Review Committee
  • Future Topics

5:30 pm Plan Commission VIRTUAL This meeting is being held virtually.

The City of Madison is holding this Plan Commission meeting virtually to help protect our community from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Important information regarding how to listen to or watch and participate in this meeting:

1. WRITTEN COMMENTS: You can send comments on agenda items to

2. REGISTER BUT DO NOT SPEAK: You can register your support, opposition, or neither support or opposition to an agenda item without speaking at

3. REGISTER TO SPEAK or TO ANSWER QUESTIONS: If you wish to speak to an agenda item at the virtual meeting in support, opposition, or neither support or opposition, you MUST register.

You can register at When you register to speak OR answer questions, you will be prompted to provide contact information so that you can be sent an email with the information you will need to join the virtual meeting.

4. WATCH THE MEETING: You can listen to or watch the Plan Commission meeting in several ways:
• Livestream on the Madison City Channel website:
• Livestream on the City of Madison YouTube Channel:
• Television: Watch live on Charter Digital 994 and AT&T U-Verse 99
• Listen to audio via phone: (877) 853-5257 (Toll Free) | Webinar ID: 985 1715 2979

  • Creating Section 28.022 — 00441 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of properties located at 202 Midvale Boulevard, 4410 Regent Street and 215 Price Place, 11th Aldermanic District, from SE (Suburban Employment) District to NMX (Neighborhood Mixed-Use) District. AND 215 Price Place; 11th Ald. Dist.: Consideration of a conditional use in the [Proposed] Neighborhood Mixed-Use (NMX) District to construct a private parking facility
  • 902-908 E Main Street, Urban Design Dist. 8, 6th Ald. Dist.: Consideration of a conditional use in the Traditional Employment (TE) District for a building exceeding 68 feet in height; consideration of a conditional use for a parking reduction of more than 20 automobile spaces and 25 percent or more of the required parking, and; consideration of a major alteration to a conditional use-planned multi-use site containing a hotel, all to allow the construction of a five-story, approximately 92,000 square-foot office building in a planned multi-use site containing a 144-room hotel and an approved 11-story, 230,000 square-foot office building with shared 680-stall parking structure.
  • 825 E Washington Avenue; Urban Design Dist. 8; 6th Ald. Dist.: Consideration of a demolition permit to demolish commercial buildings at 825 E Washington Avenue and 824 E Main Street; consideration of a conditional use in the Traditional Employment (TE) District for a hotel; consideration of a conditional use in the TE District to allow construction of a building exceeding five stories and 68 feet in height; consideration of a conditional use in the TE District for restaurant-taverns; consideration of a conditional use for a parking reduction of more than 20 automobile spaces and 25 percent or more of the required parking, and; consideration of a conditional use in the TE District for outdoor eating areas for the restaurant-taverns, all to allow construction of an eight-story, 151-room hotel with two restaurant-taverns with outdoor eating areas.
  • 1933 Keyes Avenue; 13th Ald. Dist.: Consideration of a conditional use in the Traditional Residential-Consistent 3 (TR-C3) District to construct an accessory building containing an accessory dwelling unit.

  • 5622 Eastpark Boulevard; 17th Ald. Dist.: Consideration of a conditional use in the Commercial Center (CC) zoning district for multi-family dwellings with eight (8) or more units; consideration of conditional use in the CC District for outdoor recreation; consideration of a conditional use for dwelling units in a mixed-use buildings in the CC District; consideration of a conditional use for a multi-tenant building in the CC District exceeding 40,000 square feet floor area, all to construct a complex with two (2) four-story mixed-use buildings and three (3) three-story multi-family buildings containing 4,300 square feet of overall commercial space and 306 apartments with accessory pool and clubhouse.

  • 7213 Mineral Point Road, 9th Ald. Dist.: Consideration of a conditional use in the Commercial Center (CC) District for a major alteration to a planned multi-use site containing more than 40,000 square feet of floor area and where 25,000 square feet of floor area is designed or intended for retail use to allow construction of a one-story, approximately 7,000 square-foot commercial building at West Towne Mall.

  • Amending portions of Madison General Ordinances 28.061, 28.082, and 28.091 to allow Electric Power Production and/or heating and cooling plants as a Permitted/Conditional use in all Mixed-Use and Commercial Districts and the Suburban Employment (SE) District, Suburban Employment Center (SEC) District, Employment Campus (EC), and Agricultural District; amending Madison General Ordinance 28.151 to allow Electric Power Production and/or heating and cooling plants using solar as an energy source as a permitted use in the districts listed above; and amending Madison General Ordinance 28.211 to eliminate the superfluous definition of Electric Power Production from the Zoning Code.

5:30 pm Police and Fire Commission VIRTUAL This meeting is being held virtually.

The meeting will be conducted virtually through Zoom. All of the members of the body will participate virtually. The public (and City staff members) may join using the following link: Meeting ID: 890 1042 9468

We invite oral comment not exceeding three (3) minutes in duration regarding any matter within the statutory authority of the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners. Attendees who wish to offer comment during the public comment period should register with the Board’s legal counsel prior to the commencement of the meeting by contacting Attorney Jenna Rousseau at 844.833.0828 or

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

3:00 pm Complete Count Committee VIRTUAL This meeting is being held virtually.

The City of Madison is holding the Complete Count Committee meeting virtually to help protect our community from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

1. Written Comments: You can send comments on agenda items to

2. Public Registration: You can register your support or opposition to an agenda item at If you wish to speak at the virtual meeting on an agenda item, you must register. When you register, you will be sent an email with the information you will need to join the virtual meeting.

3. Listen to the Meeting: You can call-in to the Complete Count Committee meeting: Listen to audio via phone:
(877) 853-5257 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 917 0351 7132


a. Response rate and census timeline update
b. UW census publicity
c. Fraternity/sorority outreach
d. NLC grant – social media advertising
e. Communication to Neighborhood Resource Teams (NRTs)
f. Potential alder postcards to NRT areas
g. Community partners
h. Apartment outreach
i. Press releases
j. Handouts at willing food pantries, MMSD meal distribution
k. CDD coordination on counting persons experiencing homelessness

  • COMPLETE COUNT COMMITTEE CENSUS OUTREACH DISCUSSIONa. Additional outreach to African American community
    b. Use of funds raised for census outreach
    c. Discussion/brainstorm additional outreach activities
  • DISCUSS CONTINUATION OF COMPLETE COUNT COMMITTEE, SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING – RES-19-00160 (File #54496) established the CCC, with a dissolution date of 7/31/20 (when the 2020 Census was originally scheduled to end). The dissolution date can be extended by the City Council.

4:30 pm Finance Committee VIRTUAL This meeting is being held virtually.

The City of Madison is holding the Finance Committee meeting virtually to help protect our community from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

1. WRITTEN COMMENTS: You can send comments on agenda items to
2. REGISTER BUT DO NOT SPEAK: You can register your support or opposition to an agenda item without speaking at 3. REGISTER AND SPEAK: If you wish to speak at the virtual meeting on an agenda item, you MUST register. You can register at When you register to speak, you will be sent an email with the information you will need to join the virtual meeting.
4. WATCH THE MEETING: You can call-in or watch the Common Council meeting in several ways:
• Livestream on the Madison City Channel website
• Livestream on the City of Madison YouTube Channel
• Television: Watch live on Charter Digital Channel 994 and AT&T U Verse Channel 99
• Listen to audio via phone: (877) 853-5257 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 986 5340 8301

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

5:00 pm Public Safety Review Committee VIRTUAL This meeting is being held virtually.

1.Written Comments: You can send comments on agenda items to
2.Public Registration: You can register your support or opposition to an agenda item at Registration URL. If you wish to speak at the virtual meeting on an agenda item, you must register. When you register, you will be sent an email with the information you will need to join the virtual meeting.
3.Listen to the Meeting: You can call-in to the Public Safety Review Committee meeting: •Listen to audio via phone:
(877) 853-5257 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 915 4833 7093


1. Comments by committee members and a moment of silence for George Floyd and other African Americans across the United States of America murdered without consequence.

2. Unrest in Madison: The latest coverage of the protests
a) Update from Acting Police Chief Wahl and Fire Chief Davis
b) Answers to questions raised from Alder Kemble and others in their letter to the chief.
c) Consideration of demands of the protestors, what can we impact?
-#DefundPolice. We demand Mayor Satya Conway Rhodes defund the Madison Police Department (MPD). Instead, invest in life-affirming infrastructure for Black people. Fund pro-Black and anti-oppression community-led projects and services.
-#FreeEmAll. We Demand Sheriff David Mahoney free all incarcerated people and stop all projects to rebuild or renew the jail. We demand DA Ishmael Ozanne drop all charges against people, including protesters and freedomfighters. We Demand Department of Corrections (DOC) Regional Chief Troy Enger suspend all probation holds. -#CommunityControl. We demand the PFC, the Police Chief, Mayor and all other aspects of the State to immediately seize and abolish police force powers and acknowledge safety structures that are pro-Black, pro-woman and girls, pro-youth, pro-LGBTQI, pro-disabled, pro-immigrant, and refugee community—anti-oppression. Give Black people decision making power.
d)Review of Demonstrations and Assemblies, SET Team policies, use of non-deadly force policies and others

6:30 pm Board of Park Commissioners VIRTUAL This meeting is being held virtually.

The City of Madison is holding the Board of Park Commissioners meeting virtually to help protect our community from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

  1. Written Comments: Send comments on agenda items to:
  2. Public Registration: Register your support or opposition to an agenda item at: If you wish to speak at the virtual meeting on an agenda item, you must register. When you register, you will be sent an email with the information needed to join the virtual meeting.
  3. Listen to Meeting: Call-in via phone to the Board of Park Commissioners meeting: (877) 853-5257 (Toll Free)
    Webinar ID: 952 9959 5041

Thursday, June 11, 2020

12:00 pm President’s Work Group to Review Council Communication Tools & Processes VIRTUAL This meeting is being held virtually.

  • No agenda provided

4:00 pm EOC Appeals Committee VIRTUAL This meeting is being held virtually.

  • No agenda provided

4:30 pm Community Development Authority VIRTUAL This meeting is being held virtually.

The City of Madison is holding this Community Development Authority meeting virtually to help protect our community from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Here is important information regarding how to listen to or watch and participate in this meeting:

1. WRITTEN COMMENTS: You can send comments on agenda items to

2. REGISTER BUT DO NOT SPEAK: You can register your support, opposition, or neither support or opposition to an agenda item without speaking at

3. REGISTER TO SPEAK or TO ANSWER QUESTIONS: If you wish to speak to an agenda item at the virtual meeting in support, opposition, or neither support or opposition, you MUST register. You can register at When you register to speak OR answer questions, you will be prompted to provide contact information so that you can be sent an email with the information you will need to join the virtual meeting.

• Livestream on the Madison City Channel website
• Livestream on the City of Madison YouTube channel
• Television: Watch live on Spectrum channel 994 and AT&T U-Verse channel 99
• Listen to audio via phone: (877) 853-5257 (Toll Free) | Webinar ID: 937 1066 4876

5:00 pm Equal Opportunities Commission VIRTUAL This meeting is being held virtually.

  • No agenda provided

6:30 pm Common Council Executive Committee VIRTUAL This meeting is being held virtually.

  • No agenda provided


Madison Arts Commission
Transportation Commission
Education Committee
Digital Technology Committee
Task Force on Municipal Golf in Madison Parks


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