Madison City Week Ahead 9/23/24

4 missing agendas, Council meets this week and much more!

Monday, September 23, 2024

4:30pm Sustainable Madison Committee Virtual

5:00pm Parks Long Range Planning Subcommittee Virtual

5:30pm Plan Commission Virtual

  • Presentation on the 2025 City Budget
  • Authorizing the Planning Division to lead the preparation of the Southeast Area Plan and Adopting a Public Participation Plan
  • Authorizing the Planning Division to lead the preparation of the Southwest Area Plan and Adopting a Public Participation Plan
  • Amending Section 16.03 of the Madison General Ordinances related to Transportation Demand Management to clarify Transportation Demand Management procedures, including adjusting parking ratios and removing some exceptions to TDM applicability.
  • 10 Odana Court (District 19): Consideration of a conditional use in the Suburban Employment (SE) District for general retail; consideration of a conditional use in the SE District for a coffee shop; and consideration of a conditional use in the SE District for an outdoor eating area, all to allow a limited production and processing facility with retail sales and a cafe with outdoor eating area.
  • 1 Dempsey Road (District 15): Consideration of a conditional use in the Commercial Center (CC) District for a payday loan business
  • 310-322 E Washington Avenue (District 2): Consideration of an alteration to an approved Planned Development District-Specific Implementation Plan (PD-SIP) for a ten-story mixed-use building containing approximately 16,000 square feet of institutional space and 130 apartments to reduce the number of off-street automobile parking stalls and remove individual balconies for the apartments.
  • 2121 Jefferson Street and 1007 Edgewood Avenue (District 13): Consideration of a demolition permit to demolish two single-family residences.
  • 2001 Londonderry Drive (District 18): Consideration of a demolition permit to demolish a financial institution. AND 2001 Londonderry Drive (District 18): Consideration of a conditional use in the CC-T (Commercial-Corridor Transitional) District for a multi-family dwelling with
  • Creating Section 28.022-00687 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 702-750 University Row and 5119 Silvertree Run from PD (Planned Development) District to Amended PD (GDP) (Planned Development-General Development Plan) District and creating Section 28.022-00688 to approve a Specific Implementation Plan. (District 19) AND Approving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority and GI Clinic, LLC located at 702-750 University Row and 5119 Silvertree Run. (District 19)
  • 2250 Roth Street (District 12): Consideration of a demolition permit to demolish a single-family residence. AND Creating Section 28.022-00690 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 2248-2254 Roth Street from TR-C4 (Traditional Residential-Consistent 4) District to PR (Parks and Recreation) District. (District 12)
  • 346 E Lakeside Street (District 13): Consideration of a demolition permit to demolish a single-family residence in Olin-Turville Park. AND Creating Section 28.022-00689 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 346 East Lakeside Street from TR-C2 (Traditional Residential-Consistent 2) District to PR (Parks and Recreation) District. (District 13)
  • 5048 Thorson Road, Town of Sun Prairie: Consideration of a Certified Survey Map within the City’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction to create two residential lots

5:30pm Affirmative Action Commission – Appeals Subcommittee Virtual

  • Introductions and Process Explanation
  • The AAC Appeals Subcommittee will hold hearings regarding the following contractors who have received Demand to Cure Default Notices for failing to submit an approved Affirmative Action Plan:
    • 3. CREATIVE BUS SALES INC – Model 1
    • 5. J & W INSTRUMENTS INC – Rawson/Relevant
      • For each contractor or group of contractors hearing, the following will occur:
      • a. Testimony, introductions of exhibits, and examination of witnesses by Affirmative Action Division of Facts Supporting Findings of Non-Compliance with Section 39.02(9) Madison General Ordinances;
      • b. Testimony, introduction of exhibits, and examination of witnesses by Contractor or Legal Counsel;
      • c. Comments from the contracting department, if any;
      • d. Questions from the AAC Appeals Subcommittee of witnesses.
  • Closed session – Deliberating concerning a case which was the subject of any quasijudicial hearing before the Subcommittee, under Wis. Stats. Section 19.85(1)(a).
  • Announcement of Decision (open session)

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

1:30am Board of Review Madison Municipal Building

  • OBJ: 626 ~ PARCEL: 0810-222-0205-6 ~ ADDRESS: 4702 CREEKWOOD LN ~ OWNER: HIDDEN CREEK 2 RESIDENCES LLC ~ CURRENT ASSESSMENT: $14,060,000 85286
  • OBJ: 635 ~ PARCEL: 0810-222-0206-4 ~ ADDRESS: 4708 CREEKWOOD LN ~ OWNER: HIDDEN CREEK 3 RESIDENCES LLC ~ CURRENT ASSESSMENT: $14,060,000 85111
  • OBJ: 423 ~ PARCEL: 0810-312-2446-3 ~ ADDRESS: 1422 PACKERS AVE ~ OWNER: S & M WAREHOUSING LLC ~ CURRENT ASSESSMENT: $4,040,500
  • Approval of Board of Assessor values from Schedule 15 on September 4, 2024

4:00 pm Monona Terrace Booking Event Assistance Advisory Committee Virtual

  • In legistar, not on clerks agenda

4:00pm Deferred Compensation Committee Virtual

4:30pm Common Council Executive Committee Virtual, 201 City-County Building

6:30pm Common Council Virtual, City-County Building

  • Need to come back to it to finish this morning, likely will be updated this evening

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

1:30 Board o Review 215 Marting Luther ing, Jr. Blvd Room 215

  • Not on clerks agenda
  • No agenda

2:00pm Greater Madison Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Technical Coordinating Committee Virtual

  • No agenda

2:30pm Committee on Aging Virtual

4:00pm Room Tax Commission Monona Terrace – Madison Ballroom C

4:30pm Urban Design Commission Virtual

  • 6910 Seybold Road – New Mixed-Use Building in Urban Design District (UDD) 2. (District 19)
  • 6701 McKee Road (formerly addressed as 6853 McKee Road) – Planned Development-Specific Implementation Plan (PD-SIP) for a New Mixed-Use Development . (District 7)
  • 2024 Announcements, Questions and/or Considerations for Future Agendas (no other action to be taken under this item).

4:30pm Board of Public Works Virtual

4:30pm Water Utility Board Virtual

5:30pm Community Services Committee Virtual

  • Discussion re: 2025 Operating Budget Update
  • Committee Reports
    • Early Childcare and Education Committee
    • Committee on Aging

Thursday, September 26, 2024

4:45pm Joint Campus Area Committee WARF Building

  • 619 W Mifflin Street – Informational Presentation
  • Camp Randall Stadium Noise
  • Lakeshore Nature Preserve Frautschi Center – Informational Presentation
  • WIMR East Wedge Cyclotron & Expansion – Informational Presentation
  • Grainger First Floor Renovation & Addition – Informational Presentation
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Project Updates
    • Bus Shelters
    • Camp Randall Memorial Sports Center (SHELL) Replacement
    • Campus Utility and Energy Study
    • Engineering Drive Utilities
    • Engineering Education/Research Building
    • EV Infrastructure Study – Fleet
    • Fluno Center
    • Irving & Dorothy Levy Hall (L&S Building)
    • Kohl Center Addition
    • Lakeshore Nature Preserve Frautschi Center
    • Lakeshore Path – Pre-Design Plan
    • Lakeshore Path Limnology Bypass
    • Lifesaving Station Erosion Control
    • Lot 67 Solar Study
    • LVM (Elvehjem) Facade Repair
    • Material Science Engineering
    • Morgridge Hall
    • Computer, Data, & Information Sciences
    • Near East Play Fields
    • Observatory Hill Sidewalk Realignment
    • South Central Utility Project
    • Steenbock Library Active Learning Space
    • Student Affairs Framework Plan
    • Vet Med Addition and Renovation
    • Vilas Hall Accessibility Improvement
    • WIMR East Wedge Project
  • UW Health Project Updates
    • University Hospital Central Sterile Elevator Addition – between C & D Modules on the East side of UH/CSC
    • University Hospital Emergency Department Improvements: Vertical Care Unit
    • University Hospital D2 Module Addition
    • University Hospital – Clinics Entrance – Vestibule and HVAC Improvements
  • City of Madison Project Updates
    • 305 N Frances St & 533 Conklin Pl (no Legistar #)
    • 400 block W Washington Ave (no Legistar #)
    • 423-427 W Mifflin St (no Legistar #)
    • 223-225 W Gilman St – Rohr Chabad House (Legistar #81421, #84451)

5:00pm Disability Rights Commission Virtual

  • No agenda
  • Not in legistar but on clerks agenda

6:00pm Police Civilian Oversight Board Virtual

  • No agenda

Friday, September 27, 2024

3:00pm Notice of Possible Quorum of the Common Council Lubar Commons – UW Law School

  • The State Democracy Research Initiative is hosting a panel discussion on “Housing Rights and State Constitutions” on Friday, September 27, from 3:00 PM – 4:15 PM in Room 7200 of the University of Wisconsin Law School. The panel will address the role of state constitutions and institutions in addressing housing shortages, as well as the legal framework surrounding new housing and the rights of unhoused people. Members of the Common Council have been invited to attend, and a possible quorum of the Common Council may exist at this event.


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