Madison Voter Turn Out

We did our share!

From: Witzel-Behl, Maribeth
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 3:05 PM
Subject: 67% Voter Turnout

The City of Madison had 67% turnout yesterday with 109, 671 voters. This was the highest turnout we have ever had for a Gubernatorial Election since we began tracking voter turnout trends in 1984.

Turnout was comparable to some of our Presidential Elections. We had 66% turnout for the 1996 Presidential Election, 67% turnout for the 1992 Presidential Election, and 65% turnout for the 1988 Presidential Election.


  1. Exception to this is among UW students, where turnout was WAY lower than in 2006 — about 2,500 votes, which is enough to move the needle in a close election. This needs to be fixed.

  2. No, on and off campus. Comparing Doyle in 2006 and Barrett in 2010, Ward 45 (off campus) was down 40 percent. Ward 47 (dorms) was down 30 percent. Overall we lost about 2500 votes in the governor’s race in 14 student-heavy wards compared with four years ago.


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