Mayor Botches His Fundraiser

Seriously . . . two kind pfof amateur mistakes . . .

The address is listed as “at the home of John Burke XXX Farwell Dr – Madison” . . . here’s the problem.

In case anyone is having trouble finding that address, it’s actually Maple Bluff, not Madison.

Thanks to the person on the bikies list that pointed that out . . . I’ll let them decide if they want to take the credit for pointing that out . . . or should I say, the blame.

It’s hosted by . . . you can just see it coming, right? . . . “Hosted by John Burke, Trek Bicycle Corp.” and “Chris Fortune, Saris Cycling Group.” Chris Fortune and John Burke, the ones who helped pay for the European Bike Ride the Mayor went on. More here. Smells bad, doesn’t it.

And, is it the individuals, or the companies hosting this fundraiser? I know, I know, its good companies, so its ok, right? Wrong. Consider this explanation of why they are holding the fundraiser . . .

“We’re lucky to have one of the country’s most committed bicycling supporters in our own backyard: Madison’s Mayor Dave. With his help, we’ve made fantastic progress over the last ten years in building a Bicycle Friendly America. But we still have a long way to go.

On Thursday night John Burke is hosting a Brats & Beer Fundraiser tosay thank you to Mayor Dave for all he has done for the bicycle movement, and to support his vision for the future. It would be great if you could make it!!”

If Bob Dunn was holding a fundraiser to thank Mayor Dave for all he has done for “economic development” in the city, that would be frowned upon, right?

Well, the way things are going in the city, maybe not.

Here’s the invite, to see for yourself:


  1. Yes, while technically Maple Bluff, I don’t think anyone will have any trouble finding it – if that’s what you’re worried about. Searh in google using the “Madison” address and the correct location/map/directions come up.

    Sorry, didn’t catch the second pf mistake? (what is pf by the way)

  2. a) I’m not worried about people not finding his fundraiser.

    b) Second mistake, listing the companies and having them appear as sponsors. And, the money trail kind of stinks.

    c) A typo. Fire my editors! 🙂

  3. I don’t understand your point. What smells bad? Some people who have already provided something of value somewhat related to government (the European bike study trip) have now provided direct campaign support by hosting a fundraiser. So? What has mayor done for Trek and Saris that is remotely comparable to what he has done for Dunn/Hammes? Are you saying that by making Madison even more bike-friendly than it already was, he’s improperly benefited Trek and Saris, just as if he had given a $16 TIF? That’s silly. Your hostility to mayor is leading you to make improper analogies and draw foolish conclusions. Sure, it’s embarrassing that the mayor of Madison is holding a fundraiser in Maple Bluff, but that’s all.

  4. I don’t know Stu, in my discussions with the Ethics Board, they didn’t think it was so clear. And basically said I should file a complaint. I really think I shouldn’t do it, but someone else should. Because people will accuse me of just hatin’ on the Mayor, as you have.

  5. I’m fine with Mayor Dave holding his fundraiser in the Village of Maple Bluff on one condition: that he convinces the Village Board to annex into the City of Madison. At least that way he’d partially make up for the tax base he’s squandered in the Edgewater debacle.

  6. But this post isn’t criticizing the bike trip, its focus is the fundraiser. So tell me exactly what is wrong — what “smells bad” — about the fundraiser?

  7. Did you talk to the whole Ethics Board or just one person on the Ethics Board? I’d be interested, because you make it sound like this is the opinion of the entire board and if it is I just want to be clear that it is.

  8. But, again, whether it was full board or an individual, it was about the bike trip, not the fundraiser. I still want to hear what “smells bad” about the fundraiser, other than it being in the Bluff.

  9. Jesse – I spent two whole meetings talking to the ethics board about my memo. They are making some changes as a result. And at the end, Laura Rose said that some of the issues can only be addressed if complaints are filed and they encouraged me to do so and I got the sense that others agreed with her. I have one I will be filing next week. It’s a new one. I decided not to go backwards, but just file new complaints. I could file about 4 or 5 and someone should go through the statement of interest forms, as that is shooting fish in a barrel as far as complaints go there. I just stopped looking when it became apparent the violations are somewhat overwhelming.

    Stuart – the connection to the bike trip, and the results of that bike trip are what smell bad. The Mayor went on the the trip and nearly everyone who went with him is getting something from the city. And, why are the businesses listed on the invite? Is that who is really sponsoring this? If the mayor would just file the report that he is supposed to file about who paid for the trip, maybe it would clear the air a bit.

  10. A reminder, no anonymous comments. A real name or real email, please.

    We did discuss the bike trip, it was in my memo, and it was one of the issues they couldn’t directly address without a complaint.

    For those of you just catching up look here and here Edgewater proponents, people who want the development process reveiwed, Erdmans, library supporters, etc etc etc – spending private time with the Mayor had to have helped their causes.

    And Stuart – corporate sponsorship? I guess we’ll see when the campaign finance reports come out. Why list the businesses on the invite?

  11. Not to deter too much from the subject at hand – but I believe your “real name/real email” is directed at me, at least in part. Just wanted to clarify that is my real name and that is a real email address. It’s not anonymous. I’m a little confused because “Forward Our Motto”, who writes here, smells of anyonimity and “not a real name”. Some clarification would be nice – are you looking for a full name? Like a last name, too? If so, that’s what you need to ask for and require in this comment box above. And if that’s the case, I’d assume your writers would have to do the same??

  12. No “Jeremy” but perhaps it should be. You doth protest too much. When someone says they are “Anonymous” and have an email of, their comments don’t get posted. Your comments have been posted. Several comments have not.

    When emails look bogus, I check them by sending an email to them and 80% of the time, they bounce back at me. I didn’t test yours, took you at your word, looked legit on its face.

    Forward our Motto/Lukas Diaz is not a secret. It’s the same as This Side of Town/Brenda Konkel, its just that people know me by my name better.

  13. Hi, Jeremy, nice to meet you.

    If your comments are getting published, it’s fine. Brenda has a few wacky hecklers who won’t put their name on any criticism. And we don’t want the comment threads to turn into something like from which is mostly overrun by trolls.


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