Mayor Proposed EDC Mission Changes

Adding equity goals and strategies making it clear the Economic Development Commission should be working on employment opportunities for ALL of Madison’s residents. I read this to mean mot just BioAg and High Tech and young entrepreneurs, yay!

From: Mayor
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 4:13 PM
To: Clear, Mark; ‘Mark Greene’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; Workforce Development Board; ‘’; Resnick, Scott; Strasser, John; All Alders
Cc: Cover, Steven; Kennelly, Daniel; Allen, Heather; Mikolajewski, Matthew; Monks, Anne; Rohlich, Ruth; Yessa, Peggy
Subject: Economic Development Committee Charge

TO: Members of the Common Council and the Economic Development Committee:

I would like to be able to attend this evening’s Economic Development Committee meeting since I see the agenda includes a presentation on the role of the Economic Development Committee. Previous commitments make it unlikely I can come. However I would like to share some thoughts on the changing role of the Committee.

As I work with staff on the “Connect Madison” Economic Strategy, I see that Committee and staff work includes equity related goals and strategies. At the same time, I also see that the charge of the Economic Development Committee as described in City ordinances does not make it clear that the Commission’s duties include making recommendations relating to equity and increasing employment opportunities for all of Madison’s residents. Nor does the ordinance make it clear that the Committee should be a forum for those who want to address employment opportunities for all Madison residents. I am working on ordinance changes to address these omissions. I welcome your advice and recommendations on these changes and the role of the Committee.


Paul R. Soglin
City of Madison

Here’s (most of) the audio from the meeting

I missed a bit of the explanation of what is below, but its pretty clear what is below. Clear questions why they are looking at their mission. This is discussed at the beginning of the meeting with very little input, then, you’ll hear a gap, and at the end of the meeting the letter from the mayor comes up, but they don’t seem to understand it. I thought it was quite clear.

Here is the item that was explained that is not on the audio. (This kinda makes me laugh, I feel like we’ve been here before)

DRAFT-Reflections on the Role of the Economic Development Committee
February 18, 2015

  1. The Current Problem
    a. No context
    – i. Without clearly-stated and adopted mission, vision, or goals when it comes to economic development the EDC has no context for decision making. Each topic is unique and little connected to a broader vision
    b. What we review?
    – i. The EDC’s current role is primarily to react to whatever topic happens to land on its agenda. We are reactive not proactive.
    c. What we can do?
    – i. What teeth does the EDC have? (What do other communities do?)
    d. How do we decide?
    – i. Upon what grounds do we make decisions?
    – ii. Often lack the data to make decisions
    – – 1. What is the root cause of the lack of economic information?
  2. The Proactive Role of the EDC
    a. Ownership of the Economic Strategy
    – i. Implementing, evaluating, overseeing and promoting the Economic Strategy
    – ii. The EDC would work with staff to develop specific
    – – 1. Goals
    – – 2. Strategies,
    – – 3. Priorities,
    – – 4. Work plans
    – – 5. Performance metrics
    b. Champion Economic Development
    – i. Highlight, explore and make a case for economic development
    – ii. We should distribute tactical and strategic information to other committees and departments.
    – iii. We should report regularly on the economic health of the city
    c. Assessing Economic Impact
    – i. Insure that the decision making processes of the city (policies, plans, projects, etc.) consciously take ED into account
    – ii. Develop an Economic Impact Report (EIR) which should be created for every new significant proposal (policies, plans, projects etc. )
    – – 1. “Economic Impact” is defined as whether the proposal
    – – – a. Creates or eliminates jobs?
    – – – b. Increases or decreases the tax base?
    – – – c. Helps to eliminate or maintains poverty in the city?
    – – – d. Promotes or discourages new businesses?
    – – – e. Helps or hurts the creation of a modern and diverse workforce?
    – iii. This report follows the project or policy through deliberation
    – iv. As changes are proposed to the proposal the report is modified appropriately until it arrives at the City Council
  3.  The Reactive Role of the EDC
    a. The EDC will continue to receive referrals from the Council and other committees and commissions.
    b. Our central role should be comment on the “Economic Impact” of the referred topic
    – i. We should insist that presentations to us on the topic highlight this information
    – ii. We should carefully consider the Economic Impact Report as we make our recommendations
    c. Policies and Plans
    – i. Most do not come to us
    – – 1. Is there a policy or plan that does not have an economic impact?
    – ii. The EDC is not making a holistic judgment on a project- we weigh the economic impact
    – – – 1. The council really has the final say and weighs all factors
    – – – 2. But we could insist that they have good economic data to facilitate their deliberations.
    – iii. Specific Examples
    –  1. We did not want the Alcohol policy. Why?
    – 2. We did well on the review of the DT plan
    – 3. For example, do we want to weigh in on Uber and Lyft
    – 4. Neighborhood plans: Do we want them referred?
    – 5. The Development process
    – – a. Can it be improved?
    – – b. Review the process, time it takes and the opportunity costs
    – – c. Going through the process has an economic impact
    – – d. Land Banking
    – – – i. A key ED tool that has worked in the past
    – – e. Land use approval
    – – – i. Be careful not to make the process longer


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