McDonell Record of Creating Jobs

Scott McDonell – Proven Record of Job Creation
Jobs, jobs, jobs . . .

Candidates in the race for Dane County Executive have gone to the airwaves touting their promise to create jobs for Dane County residents. But none of them have “walked the walk” like Scott McDonell has for his last five years as Dane County Board Chair.

“I understand that during a recession we can’t sit back and wait for jobs to come to us, we need to focus on infrastructure and innovative ideas to keep people at work,” says McDonell.

McDonell has commissioned infrastructure investments and projects, like the Badger Prairie Health Center, which improve access to vital services while using local labor. Over 400 jobs were created in the last two years with these projects, which include energy efficiency renovations to county buildings, upgrades to the 911 Center, and investments in facilities to turn agricultural waste into electricity.

“But this goes beyond just creating jobs and infrastructure. We value and respect our employees. That’s why I negotiated fair, long-term contracts with Dane County employees, saving taxpayers millions and ensuring our most valuable public servants stay on the job,” says McDonell.

And with those millions saved, the county is able to continue providing services to our most vulnerable citizens – successfully fighting to increase staff at the county domestic violence shelter, to expand transportation and in-home care for seniors, and to provide the homeless with treatment for substance abuse.

“I am the only candidate with a proven record of standing up for our values and protecting the most vulnerable, while creating family sustaining jobs that protect our environment and grow our local economy. I’ve been walking this walk for years.”


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