Message to Overture Employees

Oh . . . and . . . the council.

From: Carto, Thomas
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 11:34 AM
Subject: FW: Message to Staff

To Alders:

It was suggested to me that the e-mail I sent to staff yesterday be forwarded to you, and I think that is a great idea. As we move through this year-long process, I think it is important to keep you apprised of our progress, especially as it relates to Overture employees.

Thanks for all your hard work and dedication that has lead to this promising new path for Overture Center. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.





From: Carto, Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 10:44 AM
Cc: ‘Cindy Stoker’; Piraino, Janet; Bill Keys; Brian Butler; Carol Toussaint; Carto, Thomas; Charlie Saeman; Custer, Betty; Deirdre Garton; Dianne Christensen; Greg Dombrowski; James Ruhly; Lauren Van Den Heuvel; Linda Baldwin; Nino Amato; Sanborn, Jed; Scott Haumersen; Susan Cook; Tom Basting; Tom Terry; Verveer, Mike
Subject: Message to Staff

To OV Group:

As you have heard by now, the Common Council voted 14-5 in favor last evening on the resolution which provides for not-for-profit ownership and operation of Overture Center beginning on January 1st, 2012.

This milestone, of course, erases a $28 million debt that has clouded Overture’s future for more than two years. It also sets a new course of governance and accountability that Overture has never seen in its short history. The plan has given us an extraordinary opportunity to fulfill our mutual vision of a world-class operation to match a world-class facility. I am confident we will embrace this challenge and put Overture on a sustained path of success.

This is only the beginning of an exciting journey for all of us. There is much work to be done. With the New Year fast approaching, we will hit the ground running to make sure the transition is smooth, transparent and fair for all involved. I think we can all take comfort in the Mayor and Council’s commitment to provide considerable support for all Overture employees, regardless of the choices they will make in the coming year.

Change can be challenging and daunting. But I believe this staff is more than up to the task. We have been through a lot together in the past few years, but this is the first time we all have a personal stake in Overture’s new destiny. You are part of that destiny, and part of a new beginning we can call our own.

My top priority in the coming year is to make sure every one of you are provided with the best options possible and given ample time to make decisions as you consider your future with Overture. Each of you has unique talents, needs and goals; and each of you will be given individual attention to plan as we move forward. We have an outstanding, committed staff that has put their heart and soul into our mission, and I know we can move forward even stronger as a team.

We will soon provide you with some more details on how we see the transition unfolding in the coming months. You will also begin to see some new faces in the building after the first of the year as we move forward with hiring positions that have been on hold for many months. I also plan to put together a transition team made up of a cross section of staff members to be a part of this year-long effort, as staff involvement will be a crucial factor in our success. First thing in January I will set up a new regular schedule of departmental and individual meetings to get your feedback and field your questions.

Thank you for your continued hard work, dedication and patience over the last couple of years, and I hope we can soon say that our collective feet are on solid ground. I look forward to working with all of you in the coming year.

Please stop by if you have any questions, or just want to talk. My door is always open.




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