Metro Stroller Policy: Feedback wanted

Safety concerns with strollers?  Do you care?Due to safety concerns, Metro is proposing a change to the way we enforce our current stroller policy. However, we are sensitive to the fact that this can be a difficult issue. We recognize that there are strong opinions on both sides. We want public input on this matter and think you are in touch with groups who can provide valuable feedback.

There are several avenues people can use to get us their feedback. We have a webpage at

That includes an electronic survey, a video about the stroller policy and a PDF of the survey that can be printed and sent to or dropped off at Metro. People can also get a paper copy of the survey at Metro, 1245 E. Washington Avenue, Suite 201. The webpage includes contact information so people can email us at or call us at 608-266-4466 to provide feedback.

There will be a public hearing on this issue at the next Transit and Parking Commission meeting. The public hearing will be Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 6:00 PM in the Madison Municipal Building, 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, Room 260. Members of the public can register to speak.

In addition to providing any feedback you have, please share this information with other people or groups you think would have feedback on this issue. If you are out and about and want an easy to remember webpage address, it is

Thanks for your help to us in gathering feedback. We appreciate your assistance.


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